They brought over 100 kg of meat in suitcases. They were stopped by officers from Krakow

They brought over 100 kg of meat in suitcases.  They were stopped by officers from Krakow

This action at the airport left the officers stunned. After checking the luggage, it turned out that the passengers had as much as 103 kg of meat in their suitcases. How is this possible and what is it all for? The goods were handled by the National Tax Administration.

Passengers can put really different items in their luggage. Some people want to smuggle something and use, for example, dolls that contain sharp tools. Others accidentally put illegal souvenirs in their bags and then face problems during inspections. Now, passengers who arrived in Krakow by plane from outside the European Union caused a surprise at the airport. All because of the terrifying amounts of meat.

Hundreds of kilograms of meat in suitcases. Tourists detained

The arrest took place at the Kraków-Balice airport. The passengers reached our country with suitcases in which 103 kg of meat was discovered. The case was investigated by officers from the National Tax Administration and the goods were seized. This type of phenomenon is not common, so the case seems quite strange.

The cold meats that were in the luggage are worth about PLN 10,000. zlotys. According to regulations, they cannot be transported here. The services took the products to check and dispose of them.

The unusual discovery was made during a routine baggage inspection. The first contact with the above-mentioned tourists was made by officers from the Customs Department of the Kraków-Balice Airport of the Małopolska Customs and Tax Office in Kraków, later the case was forwarded and the tourists were registered.

Meat in luggage is illegal. Tourists face fines

Even if the tourists transported the meat completely unawares and did not want to break the law, they still face unpleasant consequences. “Travellers must take into account unpleasant consequences: fines and confiscation of prohibited products. Meat and dairy products cannot be imported into the European Union without a border veterinary inspection. In the case of traveler traffic, the import of such food is completely prohibited. When entering the EU, you must take into account customs controls,” said Anna Miłosz, head of the Customs Department at Kraków-Balice Airport.

Tourists may be fined and held criminally liable. Polish services regularly remind you to check any restrictions on transporting goods abroad. Each country may have its own rules regarding, among others: food, plants, animals or animal skins. Before arriving, it is always worth checking the necessary information, and you can do this, among others: on the website of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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