There is a decision regarding Karol Świderski. PZPN confirmed

There is a decision regarding Karol Świderski.  PZPN confirmed

The Polish Football Association provided information regarding the further participation of Karol Świderski in the Polish national team. The striker was transported to hospital during the break of the match against the Czech Republic.

The Polish national team drew with the Czech Republic 1:1 at the PGE National Stadium as part of the Euro 2024 qualifiers. This result meant that the Polish national team no longer had any chance of qualifying directly for the tournament in Germany. The result of the duel is not the only unpleasant thing that fans will remember. Karol Świderski had to be replaced by Michał Probierz because he felt bad and went to the hospital.

New information regarding Karol Świderski’s health. This was decided by the Polish Football Association

Immediately after the meeting, Michał Probierz went to a press conference, during which he told what exactly happened regarding Karol Świderski. – Is in the hospital. Only later will we know what exactly happened. We had good moments, we moved the ball smoothly between zones, only the last pass and the shot on goal were missing. It’s a pity that Świderski had to leave, he played a good match – said the coach of the Polish national team.

Journalists reassured the fans by claiming that, according to their information, nothing had happened that could seriously harm the health of the Charlotte FC striker. – I have information that there are no major problems with Karol Świderski – said Mateusz Borek in the TVP Sport studio. In turn, Jakub Seweryn from wrote that the Pole spent the night under the supervision of doctors. “From what I have learned, ‘Świder’ will probably spend the night in the hospital for observation,” we read in his post on X (former Twitter).

Now “Przegląd Sportowy Onet” reported that detailed tests carried out in the hospital showed that Karol Świderski is fully healthy. The Polish Football Association was to decide that he would be at Michał Probierz’s disposal during the training camp. Let us remind you that the match against the Czech Republic was not the last one. On Tuesday, November 21, they will play a friendly match against Latvia at PGE Narodowy.

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