The army is analyzing the situation on the Bug River. Kosiniak-Kamysz: We will react

– The army is involved, the army is working, the army will help – Władysław Kosiniak Kamysz said on Wednesday. However, it is unlikely that the ice dams on the Bug will be blown up.
The situation on the Bug River, which floods the area around Wyszków in Masovia, is not improving. On the contrary. The flow of water is hampered by the remaining ice on the river, and weather forecasts for the coming days, predicting constant positive temperatures, pose a threat to their further rise. – I have made the decision to immediately activate the Polish Army – said the Minister of Defense, Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz, on Wednesday.
The decision to deploy the army was made on Tuesday evening. It was announced on social media. “The General Staff of the Polish Army, the General Command of the Armed Forces and the Military Defense Forces prepared an immediate action plan and immediately started helping in the threatened areas,” wrote the Minister of Defense.
The army was involved at the request of the Masovian Voivode, Mariusz Frankowski. – I made a decision on this matter immediately. The army is involved, the army is working, the army will help, it supports the state fire brigade, it supports volunteers, the volunteer fire brigade – said Kosiniak-Kamysz. – Full readiness. We will react, he assured.
There will be no blowing up of the dam on the Bug River for now
The embankments are currently being strengthened. The action involves mainly the Land Forces and the Territorial Defense Forces. Reconnaissance is carried out from helicopters, and sappers are prepared and ready. Their participation may be crucial if ice jams have to be blown up. – We are fully ready – the politician commented on the action.
However, there is no hope of blowing up the congestion. Although, despite the opposition expressed from the beginning by experts from Polish Waters, sappers were to assess this possibility on the night from Tuesday to Wednesday.
On Wednesday morning, Frankowski said there would be no blowing up. – There was a check yesterday afternoon to see if it makes sense at all, what effects it can bring, and the army and Polish Waters jointly decided that blowing it up at this stage is unjustified. But of course we are constantly monitoring the situation, he said on RDC radio.
Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz in Brussels
Currently, Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz is in Brussels, where he participated in a meeting of the heads of defense ministries of EU countries with their Ukrainian counterpart. It was after the meeting that a conference was called.
The Minister of Defense spoke there, among others: on further support for Ukraine. – Support for Ukraine is important for several reasons. Europe cannot fall asleep, we cannot be asleep, we cannot become accustomed to war. Almost every day there are huge raids and attacks on Ukraine. Daily alarms – reminded the politician.
He also commented on Tuesday’s words of Prime Minister Donald Tusk regarding the potential shortening of the term of office of parliament. – We are always ready for elections as PSL, although now the first local elections will be held after the change of government and we are preparing especially for them – said Kosiniak Kamysz.
– The polls, which give the Third Way an impressive result, show that confidence in the Third Way: PSL and Poland 2050 is growing, and also in our entire coalition, because all parties, PO and the Left, are gaining in the polls – he added.