#startup housing loan. The most important information about the new loan subsidy program
A housing loan with a subsidy will be available to persons under 35 years of age (single), unless there are at least two people in the household. They don't have to be spouses. Better conditions are provided for families – those with at least three children will be able to use a cheaper loan to buy a new apartment. The remaining beneficiaries can only use the money for their first apartment. What else do we know about the successor of “Safe Credit”?
The amount of the installment subsidy will depend on the number of children. Households that do not include children will be able to get a #naStart mortgage loan with a preferential interest rate of 1.5%. Households with one child will be able to count on a loan with an interest rate of 1 percent, those with two children – 0.5 percent, and households with at least three children – 0 percent.
From a preferential loan with subsidized installments with a 0% interest rate. people financing participation or a housing contribution will also be able to benefit.
Preference for the first apartment, but there are exceptions
The preferential loans are to be used to purchase the first apartment. Families with at least three children will be able to use it under different conditions: in their case, it will be legal to use the loan for the purchase of a larger apartment.
In one more situation, having the right to real estate will not be an obstacle to participating in the program. You can submit an application if the apartment you own has a share (not higher than 50%) in the ownership right to the apartment or cooperative ownership right to the apartment, obtained by inheritance or donation. The above limit will not include real estate obtained by inheritance or donation, which the person applying for the loan previously sold as a donation to a person outside his or her household.
In the case of unmarried persons (singles), there will be an age limit of 35 years. There will be no age limit if the household consists of at least two people (two borrowers or a borrower + a child).
#forStart. Income criterion
The condition for obtaining subsidies will be meeting the income criterion. It was based on the first tax threshold, i.e. annual income of PLN 120,000 gross. In the program, the criterion will be modified as the number of household members increases. It will amount to:
7 thousand PLN net per month for a single-person household,
13 thousand PLN net per month for a two-person household,
16 thousand PLN net per month for a three-person household,
19.5 thousand PLN net per month for a four-person or larger household,
23 thousand PLN net per month for a five-person or larger household.
However, exceeding the limits will not mean exclusion from the program. Borrowers whose households exceed the limit will also be able to receive a new loan, but in their case the subsidy will be reduced. If a single-person household exceeds the limit, for each zloty exceeding the limit, the subsidy will be reduced by 50 groszy, and in the case of a two-person or larger household, by 25 groszy.
An area criterion is also provided for, which will apply only to housing loans granted as mortgage loans for the purchase of a mixed-use apartment or a single-family house or a cooperative ownership right to the premises. It will not apply to house construction or housing loans granted as consumer loans. In the case of a single-person household, this limit was set at 50 m2 and it was proposed to increase it by 25 m2 for each additional household member.
We write more about the government's announcements in the article below.