Nine candidates were nominated for the committee on Russian influence. We know the names

Nine candidates were nominated for the committee on Russian influence.  We know the names

Only the Law and Justice club submitted candidates to the parliamentary committee boycotted by the opposition. The remaining parties do not want to take part in the ruling camp’s project.

On Tuesday, August 29, the Law and Justice Club presented 9 candidates to the Commission it is pushing for to investigate Russian influence in Poland. This was announced by the director of the Sejm Information Center, Andrzej Grzegrzółka. At the same time, no other clubs submitted any candidates.

The following people were nominated to the committee: Łukasz Ciegotura, Sławomir Cenckiewicz, Michał Wojnowski, Marek Czeszkiewicz, Przemysław Żurawski vel Grajewski, Marek Szymaniak, Arkadiusz Puławski, Andrzej Kowalski and Andrzej Zybertowicz. The deadline for submitting candidates was set on August 25 by the Speaker of the Sejm, Elżbieta Witek. It passed on August 29 at 8 p.m.

Commission to investigate Russian influence

The Act on establishing a commission to investigate Russian influence on the internal security of the Republic of Poland in the years 2007-2022 entered into force on May 31. President Andrzej Duda signed it a few days before this date, announcing at the same time that it would be referred to the Constitutional Tribunal.

Then, on June 2, the presidential bill amending this act was submitted to the Sejm. The MPs there passed it on June 16. Ultimately, it was signed by President Duda on July 31 and entered into force in the first half of August.

PiS president on the commission to investigate Russian influence

On Saturday, August 26, Jarosław Kaczyński, the president of Law and Justice, visited Sokołów Podlaski. He spoke to the gathered residents about the demands and achievements of the PiS government. He pointed out that the key issue currently is security. He also mentioned the parliamentary commission described here.

– They held the standard of living of Poles in the same regard as eastern Poland. They cared about the interests of a narrow group and external interests. There is one more difference between them and us. We act for Poland, Poles, they acted with external inspiration, said Kaczyński. He also stated that Donald Tusk pursued a policy in favor of Germany and Russia. In this context, he mentioned the TVP series “Reset”.

– I hope that next week a commission will be established to investigate these various influences and show the documents. And you will see what it all looked like, said Kaczyński.

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