The journalist lost the trial against Jarosław Kaczyński. It was about “gay”

The journalist lost the trial against Jarosław Kaczyński.  It was about "gay"

Jan Piński is to apologize to Jarosław Kaczyński for violating his privacy. The journalist suggested that the PiS president is gay. The judgment is invalid.

“I lost the trial against Kaczyński 'for being gay' in the first instance.” I have to apologize to him for violating his privacy, on Twitter and YouTube, for no money. Of course, there will be an appeal,” wrote the editor-in-chief of, Jan Piński, on social media. In a YouTube video, PiS argued that the verdict “humiliates” the PiS president. The journalist explained that “this is the only thing he gets.”

The court decided that there had been a “violation of Kaczyński's personal rights” in the form of privacy, good name and dignity. All because of the entry from February 13, 2021, in which Piński provided “unconfirmed information about the private life and personal affairs” of the leader of the United Right. The editor-in-chief of drew attention to the word “unconfirmed”, not “untrue”, as Kaczyński demanded. The apology entry will be visible for three days.

Jan Piński is to apologize to Jarosław Kaczyński. He suggested that the PiS president is gay

Piński is also to remove the recording from YT. Neither party has to bear the costs of legal proceedings. The journalist expects that the case will drag on for years, because the losing side of the second instance will file a cassation appeal. Piński also assures that if the verdict in this case also turned out to be unfavorable for him, he would go to the Court in Strasbourg. The editor-in-chief of argues that “he told the truth and it was not offensive.”

Kaczyński himself resigned from testifying in court. According to Piński, Kaczyński is to be blackmailed by Antoni Macierewicz. The journalist wanted to call Lech Wałęsa as a witness, who allegedly had evidence of the sexual orientation of the president of Law and Justice. The next witness was to be Capt. Piotr Polaszczyk, Kaczyński's alleged partner. Piński concluded that the lawsuit was a “giant political mistake.”

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