What happened to the rocket that flew into Poland? “Our allies confirm this”

What happened to the rocket that flew into Poland?  "Our allies confirm this"

– We assume that the Russians are testing our vigilance and whether our procedures work – admitted Paweł Bejda, deputy head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He added that the Ministry of Diplomacy is taking into account scenarios in which the missile incident occurs not for the last time.

– The missile, which stayed in Polish airspace for three minutes, was most likely there as a result of a mistake. The Russians are programming these missiles and there was supposed to be an attack from the west. Our allies confirm that this rocket hit the storage facilities on the Ukrainian side, said Paweł Bejda, deputy head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on TVN24.

The deputy minister of foreign affairs pointed out that it was not certain whether the Russians acted intentionally. He also noted that regardless of whether the missile violated space accidentally or not, there was no excuse for this situation. – We assume that the Russians are testing our vigilance and whether our procedures work – he admitted.

What happened to the rocket that flew into Poland? “It hit the warehouses on the Ukrainian side”

On December 29, the Russian side received a note in which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs demands an explanation of the incident involving the violation of the airspace of the Republic of Poland by a cruise missile and an immediate cessation of such activities. When asked about this move, Bejda emphasized that “Poland is in a state of peace and we are bound by procedures in a state of peace, not in a state of war.”

Piotr Kraśko pointed out that, unlike Russia, Poland does not accidentally fire missiles at foreign countries, and Moscow is doing it once again. – We also take into account that it will probably not be the last time. Regardless of whether they are doing it on purpose or not, at this point we are limiting ourselves to firm diplomatic responses. We still believe that, as the Republic of Poland, we should settle some matters through diplomacy, he emphasized.

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