We met the new world champion in darts. The 16-year-old revelation failed miserably

We met the new world champion in darts.  The 16-year-old revelation failed miserably

This year’s edition of the World Darts Championships was very exciting and surprising. The sensational 16-year-old Luke Littler entered the title match. His rival was the new leader of the ranking, Luke Humphries. Experts predicted that it would be one of the best finals in history

Unfortunately, the Poles were eliminated from the championship very quickly. Krzysztof Ratajski lost in the third round 2:4 to Jonny Clayton, whom he had faced three times. The Welshman came out on top twice, but our representative defeated him in the final match of the Players Championship 9 tournament. Krzysztof Kciuk lost in the first round 0:3 to Connor Scott, and Radosław Szagański lost in the second round of the competition. In the fight against him, Raymond van Barneveld came out on top (1:3).

Final of the World Darts Championship. The sensational 16-year-old was close

The World Championship finals included Luke Humphries – the new leader of the PDC Order of Merit world ranking, winner of this year’s World Grand Prix, Grand Slam and Players Championship Finals, and the absolute revelation of these competitions, 16-year-old Luke Littler. If the teenage Englishman had won this fight, he would have gone down in history as the youngest world champion in the history of this sport. On the way to the final, the teenager eliminated players such as: the previously mentioned Raymond van Barneveld, Brendan Dolan and Rob Cross.

From the beginning of this final match, Luke Humphries was the better, winning the first set 3-1. After a short break, the 28-year-old continued his great play. Leading 2-0, he could have closed this part of the game, but he missed the final dart in D20. His rival took advantage of his opponent’s slip and did not miss D15, and in the next two parts of the game he reset his counter to 142 and 120 points.

The grand final was decided in favor of Luke Humphries, who ultimately defeated the sensational 16-year-old 7:4. Thus, the older Englishman won his first career victory at the World Championships. He earned half a million pounds for winning the decisive match. In turn, his rival – Luke Littler earned PLN 200,000.

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