The spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs referred to the case of Judge Szmydt. “We can't make him do this.”

The spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs referred to the case of Judge Szmydt.  “We can't make him do this.”

On Wednesday, May 8, Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Paweł Wroński met with journalists to discuss the most urgent public issues. He was mainly asked about the Russian soldier in Poland and Judge Szmydt in Belarus.

The spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs cut short the topic of the Russian in our country very quickly. He stated that this is simply not an issue that should be dealt with by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

MFA conference. Question about the Russian soldier

– The Russian soldier found himself in Poland, he is not abroad and is now subject to Polish law, the Polish Ministry of Interior and Administration, which will launch appropriate procedures. I also hope that the intelligence services and the Ministry of National Defense will take care of it. However, this is neither a Polish citizen abroad nor does it concern a foreign matter for now, he explained.

He had more to say about the Polish judge who fled to Belarus. Wroński ruled out Szmydt being received at the embassy of our country. – We received a signal, announced by Mr. Szmydt, a former judge, that he would like to leave his office at the embassy in Minsk. I think he will not meet the Polish representative in Minsk, said the spokesman.

Spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Judge Szmydt is a free man

– I think that Judge Szmydt took steps that mean that the Polish state should not have much to do with him. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is not taking any steps, he emphasized. – Judge Szmydt left for Belarus as a free man and it seems that now he has other principals than the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Justice – he explained.

Journalists also wanted to know whether the Polish ministry informed the allies about the case of the fugitive judge. – We do not undertake any contacts with allies regarding Judge Szmydt, we do not take any action with Judge Szmydt – replied Paweł Wroński.

– This man has decided to renounce his office and his nationality, he has gone to another country and intends to arrange his life there. We can only describe Mr. Szmydt's behavior as treasonous, that's all – summed up the spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. – If someone does not want to be a Polish citizen, we cannot force him to do so – he added.

Szmydt talked about Sikorski. Vronsky answers

At the conference, a question was also asked about Szmydt's statements about Minister Radosław Sikorski. – He may be afraid that someone will start looking at his career. Who is his wife, who is she related to, whose interests does she pursue? It may turn out that these are not Polish interests at all, said the former judge.

– Well, now Judge Szmydt is going through such a media tour, he was at Sołowiów's, there is an advertisement in RT. He used such a phrase suggesting that Sikorski serves American and British interests. This is interesting, because other “patriots”, including Szmydt, once accused him of having other affiliations. These are not funny things, he will tell all kinds of stories about Poland. It seems that he rather tells what his interlocutors would like to hear now, said Wroński.

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