She tried to stop him when he attacked the candles with a fire extinguisher. Grzegorz Braun talks about punishment

She tried to stop him when he attacked the candles with a fire extinguisher.  Grzegorz Braun talks about punishment

Grzegorz Braun, in a conversation with Tomasz Sommer, referred to the outrageous incident that took place in the Sejm. It appears that the MP considers himself a victim of the incident.

After extinguishing the Hanukkah menorah – a scandal covered by the media all over the world – Grzegorz Braun remained silent for some time. Recently, however, he commented on the whole matter, among others: with Marcin Rola from wRealu24 television and Tomasz Sommer, editor-in-chief of the conservative-liberal biweekly “Najzywa CZAS!”. In the second conversation, published on Twitter, he appeared, among others: thread by Magdalena Gudzińska-Adamczyk.

“I wouldn’t call for some draconian punishment.”

Let us remind you – it was this internist and infectious disease specialist who was the first to react to the outrageous behavior of MP Grzegorz Braun and was also the first to feel the consequences. In the material shared on X/Twitter by Sebastian Napieraj – a TVN24 reporter – we see the Confederation MP activate a fire extinguisher and, a moment later, struggle with the doctor. At one point, powder from the fire extinguisher lands on her jacket, skirt and shoes, as well as on exposed parts of her body – her face and hands.

Braun classified the incident as a “crime prosecuted ex officio.” In his opinion, it was “an attack, a violation of personal integrity, in this case of an MP,” he said. Sommer said the video allegedly shows the doctor “even kicking” Braun. – He added that “various unpleasant things” happened there. – Both in word and deed. I can say that I would stand up for her in court. Of course, there must be recognition of guilt, but I would not demand any draconian punishment for her, he concluded.

Re-lighting the candles for the Festival of Lights

It is worth adding that on December 13, the world was once again lit in the Sejm. The ceremony was attended by, among others: Speaker of the Sejm Szymon Hołownia and President Andrzej Duda, as well as rabbis – Dow Ber Stambler and Michael Schudrich.

The chief rabbi told the audience that it was a “special day – the last day of Hanukkah.” – This is the true face of Poland, we are all together. When someone extinguished the Hanukkah candles the day before yesterday, what did we do immediately, what was the reaction? We lit it again and it is a symbol of our history. Our Jewish and Polish history – he added. Schudrich said that this was not the first time in history when someone tried to extinguish the symbolic “light”. – But in Polish and Jewish history we cannot be extinguished. We stand together, he concluded.

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