President Duda is happy with the EU’s decision regarding Ukraine. “Poland has always supported”

President Duda is happy with the EU's decision regarding Ukraine.  "Poland has always supported"

On Friday, December 15, President Andrzej Duda commented on the European Union’s decision to start membership negotiations with two countries. Ukraine and Moldova can join the Community.

The head of the European Council, Charles Michel, announced the start of accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova. He added that Georgia had been granted candidate country status and that the EU would also start negotiations with Bosnia and Herzegovina once the necessary degree of compliance with the membership criteria was achieved.

President Duda congratulated Ukraine and Moldova

President Andrzej Duda quickly commented on this information. He congratulated the neighboring country via the X platform (Twitter). “The historic decision of the European Council to open accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova has become a fact!” – he wrote.

“Poland has always supported the process of enlargement of the European Union. Many didn’t believe it when we started fighting to start negotiations with Ukraine. Congratulations to Volodymyr Zelensky and Maja Sandu,” Duda continued.

Hungary abstained from voting

Sky News noted that the start of negotiations is surprising news. Hungary had previously announced that it would block such a decision during a two-day meeting in Brussels. The Polish Radio correspondent noticed that Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban left the room to allow European leaders to make a unanimous decision.

On Wednesday, December 13, MEPs called on the European Council to decide to start accession negotiations with Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova at the summit on December 14-15. According to MPs, provided that certain reform steps are taken, accession talks should also be opened with Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Georgia should be granted the status of a candidate country.

Andrzej Duda on the 10th anniversary of Majdan

Just a few weeks ago, on the 10th anniversary of Maidan, Andrzej Duda addressed his speech to Ukrainians. He recalled that a decade ago, on Independence Square in Kiev, the Ukrainian people expressed their “steadfast will to be independent and independent of our eastern neighbor.”

– You took to the streets and squares of Ukrainian cities to demonstrate your opposition to the authorities who have not signed the association agreement with the European Union. You then expressed your conscious and clear desire to be an integral part of the Western World and your attachment to its values, Andrzej Duda said to Ukrainians. He added that after ten years, these demands are even more valid.

The president then assured that Poles had supported Ukraine’s European aspirations from the beginning and have continued to do so to this day. – Poland was the first country to appeal for the immediate granting of the status of a candidate country to the European Union after the Russian aggression began. A few days ago, the European Commission recommended starting accession negotiations with Ukraine. This is a great success, which I congratulate you on, but also a huge challenge, said our president.

Andrzej Duda assured that Poland would stand shoulder to shoulder with the Ukrainians and support them in the fight against the aggressor. – We will help you on your path to the European Union and NATO, because we want to see you in our European family as soon as possible – added the president.

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