“Parliamentary indiscretions”. Morawiecki’s fatal mission, Tusk’s infatuation

"Parliamentary indiscretions".  Morawiecki's fatal mission, Tusk's infatuation

What pressure was exerted on Julia Przyłębska for the Constitutional Tribunal to rule on the abortion law? Why is the president’s delay in entrusting the mission of forming a government to Donald Tusk beneficial to the other KO coalition partners? What message was sent to PiS voters and why did this party’s activists not like it? We write about this and other matters in “Parliamentary Indiscretions”.

Exacerbation abortion law was one of the reasons why voters did not decide to vote for PiS – such a conclusion appeared in the government camp almost three years after the Constitutional Tribunal’s judgment. MP Bartłomiej Wróblewski was the architect of the application to the Constitutional Tribunal. Today, PiS politicians are eager to share the behind-the-scenes of the actions of the politician who, in their opinion, gave an ultimatum to Jarosław Kaczyński.

– Wróblewski blackmailed the president that if Julia Przyłębska does not issue a judgment tightening the abortion law in Poland, he will remove forty MPs from PiS who are committed to the pro-life idea – says our source from the government.

A United Right politician talks also what methods were used by anti-abortion groups. – Every day, Wróblewski sent pro-life trucks to Przyłębska’s house, with photos of fetuses and a megaphone broadcasting over and over again that abortion kills. It was unbearable for her. Wróblewski tried to put pressure on the president of the Constitutional Tribunal – says our informant. Bartłomiej Wróblewski himself denies this in an interview with “Wprost”. – We have never given anyone any ultimatum. This is fake news. It is worth recalling that the club’s chairman, Ryszard Terlecki, personally asked to resubmit the application to the Constitutional Tribunal in December 2019. We did not pressure anyone on this matter, says Wróblewski. Regarding sending trucks to your home, the president of the Constitutional Tribunal replies: – We did not send any trucks anywhere, because this is not our style of operation and we do not have such capabilities. This is another fake news.

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