Morawiecki: Under PO, the budget was like Swiss cheese, today it works almost like a Swiss watch

Morawiecki: Under PO, the budget was like Swiss cheese, today it works almost like a Swiss watch

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki met with the residents of Tomaszów Lubelski. At the rally he spoke, among other things: about local investments, strengthening the army and the state budget, which he compared to a Swiss watch.

The election campaign continues. Politics organize further rallies in the so-called district Poland. On September 8, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki visited the Lublin Voivodeship. During the meeting with the residents of Tomaszów Lubelski, the head of government summarized the last eight years of the government of the United Right. He spoke with particular attention about the state budget.

– During the PO era, the budget was like Swiss cheese, today it works almost like a Swiss watch – said Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.

– There is always something that can be fixed, but thanks to the tightening of taxes, we took funds for 800+, the 13th and 14th retirement. This is where we get the funds to strengthen the Polish army. They (Civic Platform – editor’s note) want to return to the previous system when Tusk threw up his hands – added the head of government.

Elections on October 15

The Prime Minister encouraged the residents of Tomaszów Lubelski to participate in the parliamentary elections, which, by decision of President Andrzej Duda, will take place on October 15, i.e. in just over a month.

– Let’s not let this gang of bunglers and dilettantes come back to power and steal your money – said the Prime Minister, recalling the PO-PSL government.

– Listen to Lewandowski, Tusk’s right-hand man. They were proud of the sale of Polish property. Consider whether you want to let them return to power. On October 15, we will chase Tusk – the pest – he added, indirectly referring to one of the questions of the referendum that will accompany the parliamentary elections.

There will be new investments

The Prime Minister also promised that if PiS wins the elections again, the head of government will try to attract more foreign investors to Poland.

– This is my great commitment, we will do everything to attract new investments to cities such as Tomaszów Lubelski. They will create new jobs – the prime minister promised.

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