Morawiecki reveals the date of announcing the composition of the government and… announces an amendment to the budget

Morawiecki reveals the date of announcing the composition of the government and... announces an amendment to the budget

If Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki manages to form a new government, one of the first things he will have to do will be to amend the budget for 2024. A budget that has not yet been adopted.

In the next two weeks, the new government will present draft laws from the “Decalogue of Polish Affairs” with self-amendments to the state budget for 2024, announced Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. He previously announced that he would present the composition of the new government on Monday.

“In the next two weeks, this government, which will probably be sworn in by the president on Monday, will present further laws from the Decalogue of Polish Affairs. They may also have an impact on the budget and therefore they will also include elements of the self-amendment to the budget. That’s what we did. very often in previous years,” Morawiecki said during a press conference.

Coalition of Polish Affairs

The Prime Minister also announced that he planned to form a government by persuading some parties to join the Coalition of Polish Affairs. He presented some of the projects from the electoral programs of the Third Way, Confederation and the New Left, which the United Right can support.

Last week, Morawiecki presented the activities planned by the new government in the most important areas, including: stability for small and medium-sized companies, energy security, transformation of the economy, social affairs, health and the development of renewable energy sources.

The draft budget was adopted

According to the provisions of the constitution, the government is obliged to present the draft budget law for the next year by September. This is what happened at the end of the United Right government. In September, Mateusz Morawiecki’s government adopted the draft budget act, which also passed the Sejm and Senate. The new government will have to adopt it before the end of January 2024.

It turns out, however, that not only the potential government formed by Donald Tusk will want to immediately amend the budget. Mateusz Morawiecki intends to do the same if he manages to form a government.

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