Bizarre chase of TVP journalists after MPs. One of the politicians couldn’t stand it

Bizarre chase of TVP journalists after MPs.  One of the politicians couldn't stand it

Bizarre material on TVP Info. Public television journalists ran after opposition MPs in the Sejm to ask them one and the same question. What was the effect?

Viewers who decided to turn on TVP Info in the evening watched a surprising material. The Info evening program mentioned the referendum that Law and Justice wants to hold on the same day as the parliamentary elections.

TVP hits the opposition. What is it about?

– Members of the opposition, and especially those of the Civic Platform, do not want to answer how they voted on increasing the retirement age or building a dam on the border with Belarus – said the host of the program. After a while, pictures from the Sejm appeared on the screens.

They show young reporters of public television chasing opposition deputies through the corridors of the Sejm. Objective? They wanted to ask politicians if they were not ashamed. After this short question, they reminded the parliamentarians that they had voted in the Sejm against the creation of a barrier on the Polish-Belarusian border.

– You should be ashamed that you work in such a regime television – replied Izabela Leszczyna. “It’s your fantasy.” Maybe you didn’t get enough sleep today – reacted Mirosława Nykiel, who at first clearly did not understand the intentions of the TVP employee.

The deputy asked the Marshal’s Guard for help

Krzysztof Śmiszek was then summoned to answer. – What is television like? PiS TV? The propaganda one? – asked the MP of the Left. In response, he heard that “the editor is an employee of TVP and the propaganda is in TVN”.

When the editors of public television approached Robert Kropiwnicki, he replied that he was not talking to the “PR agency of the government”. “Sir, you’re going to come up with something new. The “government PR agency” is on every day. It gets boring – commented the representative of TVP.

After a while, the deputy could not stand it and turned to the officer of the Marshal’s Guard standing next to him. – I have a request to you, however, that you react that the envoy cannot pass because you are covering it with cables – he said.

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