Former TVP journalists appear on TV Republika. “They could have violated the non-compete clause”

Former TVP journalists appear on TV Republika.  "They could have violated the non-compete clause"

Reports from employees associated with TVP’s “Wiadomości” and the TVP Info channel are broadcast on TV Republika. The lawyer points out that these people may face penalties if it turns out that they violate the non-competition clause in this way.

After a thorough change in public media in state-owned companies, some journalists lost their jobs. People who were closely associated with TVP’s “Wiadomości” and the TVP Info channel decided to report the events via TV Republika.

According to the findings of Wirtualne Media, they can thus violate the competition ban. – If their contracts include a provision that they cannot perform work for competitors during the term of the contract with TVP, such journalists may be subject to contractual penalties – Maciej Lipiński, a legal advisor and competition law specialist, tells the portal.

Journalists creating “19:30” fear sabotage. They record outside the TVP studio

It is also no secret that TVP news in the new formula is created in difficult conditions. Opposition politicians claim that the public media have been “illegally taken over”, which is why they are on duty at the headquarters of State Treasury companies and undertake parliamentary interventions. The first release of “7:30” aroused much emotion. The broadcast of the program attracted a large number of viewers. There were comments that the information was provided in an objective way, but… boring.

These opinions reached the new president of TVP, who admitted that it was a “dream opinion”. “A news program on public television is not a place for fireworks, cheap emotional play, and certainly not a place for incitement, lies and manipulation. Public television returns to its viewers. For every Polish home. It will be a place that unites, not divides,” he argued.

This is how a new TVP program is created. Journalists do not use the studio because they are afraid of sabotage

Wirtualne Media informs that journalists of the “19.30” program write and edit materials in the TVP Sport editorial office. “However, the program studio is not located at Telewizja Polska, but is rented from ZPR Media at Wal Miedzeszyński in Warsaw,” the portal reports.

It turns out that there is a broadcast van next to the building belonging to ZPR Media, which transmits the program signal. – We are afraid of sabotage by the old team or PiS politicians. Marek Czyż’s announcement about a new news program was made from the S7 studio in Woronicza Street. After a while, PiS MPs broke in – a journalist from the new TVP team, who wishes to remain anonymous, tells Wirtualne Media.

On Saturday, a series of unusual incidents took place at the headquarters of Telewizja Polska at Powstańców Warszawy Square. Jarosław Kaczyński appeared on site late in the afternoon as part of a parliamentary intervention.

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