Flats in Warsaw rarely qualify for “Safe Credit,” Buda comments

More money for public housing.  Buda with record support

Warsaw is an exception. In most cities, the limits we have – 500 and 600 thousand. PLN – are enough to buy the first apartment or build a house – said Waldemar Buda, Minister of Development and Technology, on Polish Radio 24, referring to the voices that relatively few apartments in the capital qualify for the “Safe Loan 2 percent” program.

On Monday, three weeks have passed since the launch of the “Secure Credit 2 percent” program. The program is to allow people who have never owned their own apartment or house to buy real estate and who could not afford it due to the high cost of the loan. This is to be helped by a loan with an interest rate, which for the first 10 years of its repayment, thanks to state subsidies, will be only 2 percent. The program can be used by people who are under 45 years of age (in the case of married couples, the age criterion must be met by one person). The maximum loan amount with a state subsidy that can be obtained under the subsidy program is PLN 500,000. PLN in the case of a single and 600 thousand. PLN for a family.

Buda: Warsaw is an exception

Interest in the loan is very high. The Ministry of Development and Technology announced on Twitter that during the three weeks of the program’s operation, banks accepted nearly 11.5 thousand. loan applications. In turn, the number of loan agreements already concluded is 223.

The head of the ministry, Waldemar Buda, who was a guest of Polish Radio 24 this morning, referred to the voices that in Warsaw the selection of apartments that qualify for the program is relatively small. – Warsaw is an exception. In most cities, the limits we have – 500 and 600 thousand. PLN – enough to buy the first apartment or build a house. In Warsaw – yes, but we want to limit prices with these limits – said the head of the Ministry of Development and Technology.

Buda pointed out that last year was “an absolute abstention of Poles from buying apartments.” The reasons for this state of affairs were – as the minister pointed out – high interest rates, inflation and, above all, the war. Now the situation has changed.

– Today, all these people have moved on and restored their plans to buy an apartment. Today, there are 3-4 times more people on the market who buy a flat, but not under the program, in relation to those who want to take advantage of the “Secure Credit 2 percent” program. Today, this group has accumulated and is now on the market – explained the Minister of Development and Technology.

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