Brawl at the conference in Radom. “Comic Charge” by Bąkiewicz

Brawl at the conference in Radom.  "Comic Charge" by Bąkiewicz

Hot atmosphere during the press conference in Radom. Robert Bąkiewicz was clearly outraged by the words spoken by KO politician Konrad Frysztak towards him.

Robert Bąkiewicz will run for a parliamentary seat. Known for his far-right views and numerous controversial statements, the activist will run in the Radom district on the Law and Justice list. One of his main rivals will be Konrad Frysztak from the Civic Coalition. There have been many clashes between the two men. It was no different during the press conference organized in Radom.

– This man used violence against a woman – said the Civic Coalition politician, referring to the situation when a nationalist pushed one of the participants of the protest organized by the Women’s Strike down the stairs. Konrad Frysztak also recalled the disgraceful past of the PiS candidate in the National-Radical Camp. At the end of the briefing, he also showed a sign to leave for the views of Robert Bąkiewicz from Radom.

Brawl at the conference in Radom. Bąkiewicz moved towards the KO politician

The reaction of the candidate of Law and Justice did not take long to wait. Robert Bąkiewicz was clearly agitated and argued that he was at home. – No, you are in Radom. You are not from Radom – replied the politician of the Civic Coalition. Then the PiS candidate made a number of critical remarks regarding the fact that he was “credited with sympathy for the totalitarian regimes of the 20th century.”

At one point, the former head of the Independence March association seemed to have run out of verbal arguments because he moved towards his political opponent. “You want to confront me?” the MP asked.

He posted the video of the incident on social media. “Mr. Bąkiewicz, your today’s charge in my direction came out comical. Neither I nor the other residents of Radom are afraid of you,” the KO politician assured. “First of all, ‘we don’t walk at the same weight’. Secondly, we come from two different political worlds,” he concluded.

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