Aleksandra Dulkiewicz invited him to the stage. “Someone very important in my life”

Aleksandra Dulkiewicz invited him to the stage.  "Someone very important in my life"

Aleksandra Dulkiewicz was elected president of Gdańsk in the first round of elections. During her speech, she invited several people to the stage.

Seven candidates ran in the elections for the mayor of Gdańsk, and a second round will not be needed to decide. Aleksandra Dulkiewicz (Coalition Election Committee Civic Coalition) obtained 57.95 percent. votes, thus voters ensured her another term in office.

Second place was taken by Tomasz Rakowski (Law and Justice Electoral Committee), who gained support at the level of 20.33%. votes. Andrzej Pecka (Electoral Committee of Voters Wspólna Gdańska Droga 2050) took third place with a result of 6.93%.

Elections for the president of Gdańsk. Aleksandra Dulkiewicz triumphs!

– When the election campaign was going on, we often heard that there was a lack of emotions – said Aleksandra Dulkiewicz during the election evening. – And I think that we have so many emotions in public life that we have become unaccustomed to normality. I dream of a Gdańsk that will be normal. Plain, without fireworks, which will be a place for everyone, she continued. – I don't need any fireworks. I need a city where everyone can live well. And I know that with the Everything for Gdańsk team and the Civic Coalition we are able to create such a city every day, she assured.

During the election evening, Aleksandra Dulkiewicz thanked her closest colleagues and family: her 16-year-old daughter, mother Izabela and sister Marta. She also invited her partner on stage, with whom – according to Polsat News – she has not appeared at official events so far.

– There has been someone very, very important in my life for two years. Jakub, please come here. He survived our first campaign together. It'll probably be easier with the next one, you know? – Aleksandra Dulkiewicz asked with a smile. “We can do it,” the man replied.

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