The Prime Minister mocks Duda's words, Mastalerek counterattacks. “Tusk turned out to be a tit again”
The Central Communication Port is needed in Poland because more and more Poles will have their own planes. At least that's what the president says. The prime minister mocks, the presidential minister responds.
– We need huge investments. We cannot allow them to be detained, said President Andrzej Duda during his visit to Konin.
The key investments mentioned by the president include: a nuclear power plant to be built near the city in the near future. – Let's not be deceived by the cries of crazy circles from across the Western border who want to give up nuclear energy. This is bullshit. We will not achieve the energy transformation without nuclear energy, said Andrzej Duda.
– These large investments: nuclear power plants, the Central Communication Port and sea ports are also a matter of our security. For Poland to exist and be safe, for the largest transport planes to fly here when necessary, bringing soldiers and military equipment, said the president.
Andrzej Duda about private planes
However, other words of the head of state were shocking. He stated that the Central Communication Port is needed by Poles because soon more and more of them may have planes. – If we develop and become more and more prosperous, more and more people will not only want to use air transport, but ladies and gentlemen, they will have their own planes – said the president.
And next. – Those of our compatriots who will have private airplanes will need airports, they will need places where these planes can be parked and kept – he said.
Donald Tusk and Marcin Mastalerek join the conversation
Donald Tuska quickly reacted to the president's words. “Mr. President gives you wings. And how much!” – wrote the head of government ironically.
This again met with a reaction from the presidential minister, Marcin Mastalerek, who blamed the Prime Minister for not running in the last presidential elections, as well as his declared failure to run in the upcoming elections. “Prime Minister Donald Tusk lacked these wings in 2020. And probably not only that. Now he has turned out to be a tit again,” we read in the politician's entry.