A thief fox is on the prowl in the Tatra Mountains. Tourists should watch their food

An entry from one of the mountain lovers appeared on the Facebook group “Tatromaniacy”. He decided to warn others against the evil practices of the cunning fox. He revealed where he can be found.
The mentioned Facebook group brings together fans of mountain expeditions mainly related to the Tatra Mountains. This is where many people exchange important tips and publish photos of unusual phenomena or guests they meet on the trails. Recently, a post about a fox caught our attention. Although the animal looks sweet and inconspicuous, it likes to rob tourists.
Fox the thief in the Tatra Mountains. Internet user warns
“He is nice and likes to pose, but a moment of inattention and you don’t have apple pie on your plate or food in your backpack. In 15 minutes he stole food from two plates and stole a backpack. Take care of your belongings” – was the appeal of Mr. Wojciech Sitarz, who was the author of the photo and the post placed on the group of Tatra lovers.
A photo of a similar fox has been published many times and, interestingly, the individual was often found in an almost identical location. It seems that he has become accustomed to tourists and associates them with meals. Everyone who walks in the mountains should remember that food – especially in winter – attracts wild animals. If we want to avoid serious consequences of encounters with them, we should be careful and not take out scented delicacies on the trails.
A fox is prowling in a specific area
The mentioned fox can be found near Murowaniec, a well-known accommodation facility in the Tatra Mountains. This is the PTTK Shelter in Hala Gąsienicowa, located at an altitude of 1,500 m above sea level. The facility attracts tourists from all over the country every year. Unfortunately, as it turns out, foxes also like his area.
What may result from an encounter with a wild thief? If we do not react violently, the animal will probably take what it wants and leave. Knowing that the fox likes to look around Murowaniec, it is worth keeping a close eye on the food and not leaving it loose, even in places intended for this purpose. Animals learn quickly and the more often they smell food in a given place, the more intrusive they will become.
The problem was noticed by many Internet users commenting on Mr. Wojciech’s photo. “Unfortunately, tame animals are a big problem in the Polish part of the Tatra Mountains,” it was written. “The norm in our country! Everyone knows Rudy steals,” wrote someone else. Although the matter may have a slightly humorous tone, it is very serious. No matter how much sympathy you have for foxes, you should be careful when staying near the Murowaniec shelter.