A team with over a million dollars in profit. What is its phenomenon?

The team became famous again thanks to its ice cream, which is breaking popularity records. Its leader has just announced the revenues of the company, which boasts a profit of over one million zlotys. Interestingly, this impressive result is not related to sweets sales.
“From time to time, I will also inform here about typical stock exchange matters, and as the president of EKIPA Manegement sp. z o. o. (one of the companies of EKIPA HOLDING SA), I will boast about its results! In March alone, it exceeded PLN 1.1 million of net profit, excluding revenues from the album or ice cream,” wrote Karol Wiśniewski, known as Friz, on Twitter. The website spidersweb.pl states that the mentioned EKIPA Manegement deals with image management of YouTubers, including: concluding advertising contracts.
The mention of ice cream is not accidental, because products with the Ekipa logo are currently very popular among consumers. Recently, there has been a lot of talk about fights at the freezers in Lidl, where ice cream from the Koral Ekipa line went on sale. The group of YouTubers is also developing a musical career and owns a clothing brand called EkipaToNosi. Fans of influencers can buy mouths, jackets, t-shirts and even masks designed by the team.
What is Team?
The team is a group of popular YouTubers and influencers who have their own YouTube channel. The account is subscribed to by 1.44 million users, and the recordings posted there have several hundred thousand, and sometimes even several million, views. Gathering creators known to teenagers in one place somewhat explains the phenomenon of Ekipa. The group of YouTubers also recorded two singles, and they intend to release their debut album in June. The music videos for “Zaebyście” and “3kipa” have 13 and 46 million views respectively.
The members of the team, apart from the above-mentioned Wiśniewski, include: Uncle Łuka, Tromba, Marcysia, Mini Majk, Patec and Poczcziwy Krzychu. The originator of the group is Friz, whose YouTube channel is followed by 4.35 million Internet users. In December 2020, the course he offered to help teenagers became famous “to the top of YouTube”.
The first material on Ekipa's channel appeared at the end of August 2018. Since then, YouTubers have published dozens of videos, boasting, among others: a visit to a trampoline park, an aerobatic plane flight or throwing snowballs at a target.