Will there be a war between Russia and NATO? Most Poles have concerns

Will there be a war between Russia and NATO?  Most Poles have concerns

In the latest survey, Poles assessed whether the scenario of a war breaking out between Russia and NATO seemed realistic to them. More than half of respondents are afraid of this possibility.

February 24, 2024 will be exactly two years since the beginning of full-scale Russian aggression against Ukraine. Since then, the occupiers have been attacking both military targets and facilities inhabited by civilians. Volodymyr Zelensky is constantly appealing to allies for support in the form of further deliveries of weapons that will help Ukrainian soldiers resist the aggressors.

Radosław Sikorski took part in the meeting of the EU Foreign Affairs Council, and one of the topics was the situation in Ukraine. During the event, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine spoke remotely and appealed for ammunition deliveries as soon as possible. – The situation in Ukraine is becoming dramatic. I appealed to make decisions in accordance with the appeal of the Ukrainian minister, because as we know, Avidivka has already fallen and the Russians are attacking in several directions. And it is perhaps almost too late, said the head of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Will there be a war between Russia and NATO? Most Poles have concerns

In a survey carried out by the Pollster Research Institute for “Super Express”, Poles were asked whether they were afraid that there might be a war between Russia and NATO. 56 percent answered affirmatively, 32% have the opposite opinion. subjects. 12 percent respondents are unable to take a clear position on the matter.

In a recent interview that Vladimir Putin gave to American journalist Tucker Carlson, the Russian president repeatedly mentioned Poland. He was asked, among other things, whether he could imagine a scenario in which Russian troops would be sent to Poland, a NATO member. – Only in one case, if Poland attacks Russia. Why? Because we are not interested in Poland, Latvia or any other place. Why would we do this? We simply have no interest, he replied.

It is worth emphasizing that before launching full-scale aggression against Ukraine, Vladimir Putin assured the leaders of various countries that – despite the increasing concentration of Russian troops along the border with Ukraine – he did not intend to issue an order to attack. Reality verified these declarations.

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