Will Okęcie disappear after the launch of CPK? Horała comments

Will Okęcie disappear after the launch of CPK?  Horała comments

This decision will be made when the CPK is launched – Marcin Horała, the government’s plenipotentiary for the CPK, said on Polish Radio when asked whether Chopin Airport will be closed after the CPK opens.

In 2028, i.e. in five years, the CPK airport is to be launched. Questions arise about what will happen to the Chopin Airport at Okęcie in Warsaw.

Horała about the future of Chopin Airport

Marcin Horała, deputy minister of funds and regional policy and government plenipotentiary for CPK, was asked today in “Sygnały Dzień” of the First Program of Polish Radio whether the airport in the capital will be closed.

– We’ll see. This decision will be made when the CPK is launched. For now, these are theoretical talks. The main commercial traffic will definitely be transferred, this is obvious, this is the basic element of this type of projects. Failure to make such a decision would result in cannibalistic competition between these two entities, ending with the bankruptcy of one of them, 99% of the time. Chopin Airport, because it will be older, less comfortable, worse designed, etc. – explained the government representative for the CPK in “Sygnały Dzień”.

– In a few years, these decisions will be made – added Horała, emphasizing that the future of the Chopin Airport area will largely be decided by the authorities of Warsaw, which have planning authority.

“CPK is not megalomania”

The deputy minister of funds and regional policy emphasized that, contrary to what critics say, CPK “is not megalomania.” – It is tailored to Polish needs. We currently have micromania. Chopin Airport (…) was never designed for its current capacity (…). It is currently the 32nd-35th airport in Europe – said the guest of Polish Radio.

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