Violation of Polish airspace by Belarus. “Part of the opposition played in the Kremlin’s spectacle”

Mariusz Błaszczak pointed out that the flight of Belarusian helicopters on Polish territory cannot be underestimated. “It was another provocation. Everything that is happening in Belarus is coordinated with the actions of Russia, said the Minister of National Defense.
Mariusz Błaszczak in radio Jedynka referred to the violation of Polish airspace by Belarusian helicopters. The head of the Ministry of National Defense stressed that “this cannot be underestimated due to the approach” of the regime in Minsk. “It was another provocation. Everything that is happening in Belarus is coordinated with the actions of Russia. One can get the impression that some opposition politicians played in this performance of the Kremlin – commented Błaszczak.
– Many prominent opposition activists believe that we buy too much equipment, but our difficult history, both the partitions and World War II, show that it is better to spend money on the Polish army than on a foreign army. Within two years we will have the strongest army in Europe, if only this process continues. The army guards our security, and there are already 170,000 people under arms. soldiers – continued the Minister of National Defense.
Mariusz Blaszczak: 10 thousand. soldiers on the Polish-Belarusian border
Błaszczak pointed out that under the rule of Law and Justice, unlike the Civic Platform, the Polish army is strengthening and the Polish military potential is systematically expanded and strengthened. The head of the Ministry of National Defense explained that in order to deter the aggressor so that he would not dare to attack us, the army is being moved closer to the border with Belarus. There will be about 10,000 in total. soldiers. 4 thousand is to support the Border Guard, and the rest is to remain in reserve.
Błaszczak concluded that there should be more or less as many soldiers in total as there were in 2021, when there was an attack on the Polish-Belarusian border. Soldiers are there to improve their skills in garrisons. The Minister of National Defense concluded that in the event of a provocation, the aggressor must be aware of receiving a response, but “everything must be done carefully, because you cannot lead to a crisis.” “None of us want war,” he concluded.