To the bank with a smartphone. The Ministry confirms important changes from September 1

To the bank with a smartphone.  The Ministry confirms important changes from September 1

The Ministry of Digitization announced the latest change regarding mID, i.e. the digital version of the ID card in the mObywatel application. It’s about banks respecting it.

An important change enters into force on September 1, which may make it easier to use bank services. As the plenipotentiary of the Minister of Digital Affairs for the mObywatel application, Michał Kalinowski, told the Polish Press Agency, all banks are now obliged to respect the new ID in digital form.

The banks wanted more time

mID was to be respected by banks from the day of its introduction, but financial institutions asked the Ministry of Digitization for a little more time to prepare the appropriate procedures. All other institutions and offices were obliged to respect the digital document from July 14.

– The vacatio legis period for financial institutions has been extended so that they can adapt, among other things, so that they can integrate with our system for verification – said Michał Kalinowski from MC.

– The obligation for financial institutions to respect the mID in the mObywatel application means that every citizen who comes to such a facility, be it an insurance company or a bank, will be able to show their mID, which means that there will be no situation where someone will not be able to identify themselves, because, for example, he forgot his plastic ID – added the representative of Minister Janusz Cieszyński.

Cieszyński: Convenient means digital

Why is there a need to implement solutions such as a digital ID card, e-prescription or other mObywatel functions? The Minister of Digital Affairs, Janusz Cieszyński, recently spoke about this in an interview for

– When you’re chasing others, you have to be ready to implement innovations faster. Since 1989, Poland has needed solutions that will push us forward and make us more competitive – explained the Minister of Digital Affairs.

– We can see this today in the example of Ukraine, where the war forces quick action and sometimes even radical decisions. In Ukraine, the equivalent of mObywatel, the Diia application, also had one million installations a few days after launch. This shows that countries that are more “hungry” enter new technologies faster – said Janusz Cieszyński.

– Services for citizens should be convenient. For most citizens, convenient in 2023 means digital, but we do not forget about those who prefer to deal with matters at the office. For example, we have significantly modernized the passport application, which is now filled out with a stylus on a touch screen – added the minister.

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