The stalker is harassing Ewa Swoboda. “This person is f**ked up”

The stalker is harassing Ewa Swoboda.  "This person is f**ked up"

Ewa Swoboda won her eighth gold medal at the Polish Indoor Championships, but the conversation after this triumph was dominated by another topic. It's about her stalker.

During her starts, Ewa Swoboda has to face not only her rivals, but unfortunately also the man who persecutes her. Another undesirable situation occurred during the Polish Indoor Championships. The man harassing her appeared in Toruń and had to be taken away by security guards.

Ewa Swoboda's persecutor appeared in Toruń

Everything happened in front of the fans because Sebastian Urbaniak was present in one of the sectors. The runner noticed him in the stands after the qualifying race and reported it immediately. The athlete, who – as he claims – fell in love with the sprinter, was asked to leave the facility, but he did not want to do so. So the bodyguards had to do it against his will. The 22-year-old started fighting with them and hitting one of the officers.

So when Swoboda appeared in the mixed zone, where she talked to journalists, the topic quickly turned to the persecutor – What can I say? It's a difficult situation, but I hope these photos will go viral on the Internet. I didn't see all this. The case has been referred to a lawyer and we are waiting to see how it will be resolved, she said.

Ewa Swoboda commented on this clearly

– This is not worth our attention… I am a public figure and I have to take this into account. I understand if someone is a fan, but this person is just crazy. It doesn't break me, the 26-year-old added later in the conversation on this difficult topic.

Indeed, this was not the first problem of this nature that affected Swoboda. Already last year, during the summer season, Urbaniak clearly interfered with the athlete during the competition in Gorzów Wielkopolski. As a result, he was suspended by the Polish Football Association. As you can see, this did not help solve the problem.

PZLA representatives have not yet issued an official statement on this matter. At the end of Saturday's part of the Polish Indoor Championships, the competitor herself had to ask security to escort her to her car because she was afraid of a pursuer.

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