The interview with Putin shocked the West. Medvedev’s puzzling words

The interview with Putin shocked the West.  Medvedev's puzzling words

“The medicine worked” – this is how Dmitry Medvedev commented on the West’s reaction to the interview of the President of the Russian Federation with a controversial American journalist.

On February 6, Tucker Carlson interviewed Russian President Vladimir Putin. It was published on February 9 by, among others, on the YouTube channel (by February 14, it had been played there over 16.5 million times) or on the X platform (where it had already generated over 200 million views).

“Two of the greatest politicians of our time began to question the interview.”

During the conversation, which lasted over two hours, Putin told “10 lies” – as the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs later assessed. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs then pointed out these lies. The President of Russia said, among other things, that “Russia collaborated with Hitler’s Germany”, “Poles forced Hitler to start World War II with them”, “Ukraine is de facto an artificial creation created by Lenin and Stalin”, and also that “in 2014, Moscow was forced to defend Crimea because it was under threat” – which was mostly untrue or half-truth.

The interview caused outrage around the world. He referred to it, among others: German Chancellor Olaf Sholz, who summed it up by saying it was “absurd”. British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said Putin’s claim that he launched an invasion of Ukraine because of NATO expansion is “ludicrous.” The American television website CNN called the interview a “great propaganda victory” for Putin. Media such as the BBC and “The Guardian” strongly criticized, among others, American journalist.

Medvedev sees the West’s reaction to Putin’s interview with Carlson as proof that “the medicine has hit its target.” The deputy chairman of the Security Council of Russia said that usually heads of state do not comment on similar “interviews of their colleagues”, but in this case the opposite happened. “Here you go. Two of the greatest politicians of our times – the strange Briton Sunak and the pure-blooded German (here was another, contemptuous term for a citizen of this country – ed.) Scholz – began to question the interview of the President of Russia with Tucker Carlson. (…) They don’t like the arguments and they don’t like anything at all,” Medvedev said on Telegram.

Who is Carlson Tucker?

Tucker Carlson is an American political commentator who formerly worked for Fox News. However, in 2023, he was fired – despite the fact that the program he hosted, “Tucker Carlson Tonight”, generated significant views in the United States.

He is considered a person with extreme right-wing views. In the past, during the COVID-19 pandemic, he spread conspiracy theories about the coronavirus and vaccines. He also made controversial statements about the attack on the US Capitol, which took place after Donald Trump lost the presidential election – it is worth adding that the journalist is a big supporter of Trump’s presidency.

He was repeatedly suspected of racism and sexism in the media. It is for this reason, among others, and because of advertisers’ protests, that Fox News, appreciated by Republicans and criticized by Democrats, fired Tucker.

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