The first trade union in the Polish gaming industry. It is being created by CD Projekt

The first trade union in the Polish gaming industry.  It is being created by CD Projekt

The first trade union uniting people working in the video game industry was registered. “The video game industry has its problems, such as excessive use of employee enthusiasm leading to burnout, long working hours, the prevalence of junk contracts” – this is how the interested parties explain the establishment of the union.

We tend to think that “in Polish conditions” trade unions are formed where wages are low and employees complain about lack of respect from their employers. Not only that: a few days ago, the Gaming Industry Employees’ Union was registered. “The union is open to all people working in the video game industry, including those who are currently unemployed / looking for a job,” we read on its website.

Trade union at CD Project

The union was founded by employees of CD Projekt, a leading Polish game producer. The organization is part of the National Trade Union Inicjatywa Pracownicza (OZZ IP) and does not focus on activities in one company, but is ready to cover the entire industry. Why did you choose this form of action? “The Employee Initiative Committee operates on Allegro and Amazon Cloud. These are industries similar to ours, with companies with similar structures and challenges. We contacted them and they helped us go through the entire legal and formal process of establishing a union. We are very happy, we wouldn’t be able to unionize ourselves, because it would be too difficult in formal terms,” ​​said Lev Ki, one of the founders of the union, in an interview for

The union’s website explains that the impetus for its establishment was the recent wave of layoffs at CD Project. people employed in the company, approximately 100 people. Some have already left, some will leave at the end of the year, when their contracts expire. People started talking to each other, after all, anyone could be next. The issue of employment stability has become more and more important in recent years, and the union helps to strengthen job security, and more and more people expressed their willingness to join it if it were established,” Lev Ki continued.

Sins of the video game industry

For many people, working in a game production company seems to be the biggest dream. However, no industry is free from flaws. “The video game industry has its problems, such as excessive use of employee enthusiasm leading to burnout, long working hours, and the prevalence of junk contracts. These are systemic problems that cannot be solved individually. However, the industry trade union provides tools for this,” we read on the union’s website. These are also other reasons why employees decided to unionize to fight for better and mentally healthier working conditions.

The union also presented a 7-point manifesto, which talks about safety and decent working conditions, fair treatment, but also prioritizing education and dialogue over conflict, democratic rules of operation of the union and an invitation addressed to all employees of the gaming industry, regardless of position or contract. at which they work. contacted CD Projekt and confirmed that the company is aware of the establishment of the first trade union. “All our cooperation activities will, of course, remain in accordance with applicable law.

We would also like to mention that our employees can have their say thanks to the RTR (RED Team Representatives), a democratically elected body that represents the entire team and is independent of the company’s management. We have been cooperating with him for two years and we plan to continue this cooperation to maintain transparency as well as healthy and safe working conditions,” wrote Szymon Ablewski from CD Projekt’s investor relations department.

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