The deputy head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs spoke about Polish-Ukrainian relations. “Of course we want to improve.”

The deputy head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs spoke about Polish-Ukrainian relations.  “Of course we want to improve.”

On Monday, January 22, Władysław Teofil Bartoszewski took part in the “Morning conversation” program on RMF FM. He spoke, among others: on relations with Ukraine and personnel in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Władysław Teofil Bartoszewski, representing PSL, was asked about many different issues in a conversation with Robert Mazurek. Of course, we could not do without the topic of Wąsik and Kamiński, whom the politician refused to call “political prisoners”.

Bartoszewski on the number of deputy ministers

– Both gentlemen were convicted by a final court judgment for an official crime, for forging documents, forging signatures, and for provocation. The category of political prisoners is very strictly defined in the judiciary and Messrs. Wąsik and Kamiński do not meet this definition in any way. This is the opinion of most lawyers. President Andrzej Duda, if he wants, can immediately pardon them, he said.

Another issue discussed in the interview was the unusual number of deputy ministers. There are as many as seven of them in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Bartoszewski admitted that they have not yet been assigned duties. He emphasized, however, that under PiS there were only two of them, one of whom was responsible for the Americas and Asia, or, as he emphasized, “half of the world’s population.”

Polish-Ukrainian relations

When asked about Poland’s relations with Ukraine, he assured that Donald Tusk’s government wants to improve them. – There was a temporary breakdown in relations due to the blockade of agricultural goods and the protest of carriers. Both matters are being discussed, he assured. Without giving specific ideas, he spoke about the need to stabilize the European Union agricultural market. He also assured that Poland was in favor of Ukraine’s admission to the Community as soon as possible, but on the terms imposed on it by the EU, just as was the case with our country’s accession.

The next topic was reparations, called by Bartoszewski and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs “compensation” from Germany for World War II. – Yes, we will get compensation. It will take some time, but we will get it, he declared boldly. – For how long, I don’t know yet, we will not stop these conversations. This is the subject of ongoing talks, he assured.

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