The short career of a PiS politician at the National Bank of Poland. Poboży resigned from Glapiński’s job
Błażej Poboży resigned from the National Bank of Poland after becoming an advisor to the president. How did the PiS politician react to the question about his short career with Adam Glapiński?
The unsuccessful elections to the Sejm of the 10th term did not hinder Błażej Poboży, because the PiS politician found employment in the Communication Department of the National Bank of Poland in December. Poboży is the second of Morawiecki’s deputy ministers to get a job there. On December 6, Artur Soboń, former deputy minister of infrastructure and then finance, announced his appointment to the management board of the central bank.
Poboży no longer works at the National Bank of Poland. How does he comment on this?
Now it turns out that Adam Glapiński’s career ended quickly because Poboży resigned from his position. – I am glad that I could verify my competences, which I have been improving for 20 years in the field of social communication, in the social communication department of the National Bank of Poland – says Błażej Poboży, asked by a TVN24 journalist about this matter. Regarding his successes at NBP, he advises talking to the bank’s spokesman.
The president, by decision of January 9, appointed him as his adviser. Stanisław Żaryn was given the same function. – You gentlemen have great experience behind you and are characterized by reliability in performing the assigned tasks – said Andrzej Duda and emphasized that the best proof of pro-state patriotism is the fact that they have cooperated with Mariusz Kamiński and Maciej Wąsik in recent years.
How did Poboży justify his decision? – I had no doubts when the president invited me to join his professional advisors, which excludes other than academic activity, that I belong in this situation, when the constitution is being trampled, when the law is being broken in Poland, when terror is being introduced. the so-called rule of law, is in the Chancellery of the President – said a Warsaw councilor of Law and Justice.