Sławomir Nitras wants equality in sports. See how the money will be spent

Sławomir Nitras wants equality in sports.  See how the money will be spent

Sławomir Nitras has several lines of action that the Ministry of Sport and Tourism will undertake during his term of office. The politician officially presented several of them.

Let us recall that Sławomir Nitras’ predecessor at the head of the Ministry of Sport and Tourism was Kamil Bortniczuk. On December 12, 2023, the Sejm of the 10th term elected a new minister in Donald Tusk’s third government. Nitras was also officially approved by the President of the Republic of Poland, Andrzej Duda.

Sławomir Nitras clearly about equality in sport

What has the new head of the Ministry of Sport and Tourism become famous for in the last dozen or so weeks? There was certainly no shortage of controversy surrounding the steps taken towards the Polish Football Association. The rich federation – in the context of other national sports entities – lost financial guarantees from the ministry for the construction of the center in Otwock. The Polish Football Association will have to cope without the huge funds of the ministry, which were previously declared during the times of the United Right.

Nitras looks at the sports sphere from a slightly different perspective. He revealed some details in an interview for Polsat Sport.

– If you ask me what I would like to be remembered for as the Minister of Sports, one of those issues is introducing equality between women and men. So that we finance both groups practicing sports. My task is to ensure that every girl who, for example, is not comfortable playing football or basketball, finds space for her sports activities in other sports or other roles. Let there be true equality. The task that I will take on with pleasure will be to ensure that there are women on the PZPN management board. For now, there are only guys there, but I want to change that. Let women be allowed to vote. How will I do it? Legal tools. After all, parity applies in parliament and state-owned companies. You say it’s impossible? Please remember that you are talking to a minister who has legislative initiatives – admitted the Minister of Sport in Donald Tusk’s government to Polsatsport.pl.

What about the money for PKO BP Ekstraklasa clubs?

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, former head of the Polish government, promised, among other things, Raków Częstochowa and Ruch Chorzów – strong support in the construction of new stadiums – befitting performances at the top league level in football.

What does Nitras say about this? Here, too, the view is completely different from previous, rather empty, or in other words – election promises.

– Maybe it’s worth reminding me what my task is. Not to finance a base for top league clubs or the first national team, but to create a base for youth, amateurs, and general sports in general – emphasized Minister Nitras.

These are going to be interesting months, where you will be able to see the fruits of ideas that will probably be implemented by the sports department.

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