Shark attack on the beach. The crowd rushed to help the injured woman

Shark attack on the beach.  The crowd rushed to help the injured woman

Beachgoers experienced horror. A 64-year-old woman was attacked by a predator in front of a crowd. The search for the great shark continues.

A dangerous incident involving a shark shocked the seaside town. An elderly woman was attacked by a shark on the beach in Beachport, Australia. Shocked residents rushed to help, but the 64-year-old woman suffered significant injuries.

Morning shark attack on a public beach

The incident involving a dangerous predator occurred on Monday around 8 a.m. in Beachport. It is a small town located in southern Australia, halfway from Melbourne to Adelaide. A peaceful morning in a seaside town was disturbed by a shark attack. Media reports that a shark identified as a great white seriously injured one of the women on the shore. “Nothing like this has ever happened here before,” says one witness who has been coming to the beach every day for 30 years.

There was a large group of people on the beach during the attack. Some of them immediately rushed to help to save the life of the woman bitten on the leg. Greg Rae, a maintenance worker at a beachfront hotel, applied a tourniquet to her, which helped stop the bleeding. He ran to the scene of the accident after hearing a cry for help. On the beach he found several women covered in blood and an injured 64-year-old woman with numerous thigh wounds.

Australia exposed to cyclical shark attacks

Pamela Cook, 64, is a hotel employee and member of a local swimming club. Every day, she and a group of other women come to the beaches in Beachport for a morning workout. The ladies meet at 7:30 to take a dip in the sea together near the pier. It is the second largest pier in South Australia, one of the most characteristic points in the region.

An ambulance spokesman confirmed that Cook was taken to hospital in Mount Gambier, about 85 kilometers from the town where the shark attack occurred. The woman’s condition is stable. The rescue services intend to use drones to help locate the animal. Pilots will search the area a kilometer into the sea.

Australia is one of the places that have recently been visited by sharks. Monday’s attack on Pamela Cook came just weeks after the Port Macquarie shark attack and this year’s death of Simon Baccanello, who also fell victim to the predator in the southern Australian region.

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