PO hits PiS with strong spots. “They scared them, they scared them, they let them in”

PO hits PiS with strong spots.  "They scared them, they scared them, they let them in"

PO presented new election spots attacking PiS. One of them concerns the admission of immigrants and the “visa trading” scandal, and in the other one you can hear the Russian anthem.

In its latest spot, the Civic Platform referred to the “visa trading” scandal. Last Thursday, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Piotr Wawrzyk was dismissed in unclear circumstances. According to the findings of “Gazeta Wyborcza”, Wawrzyk was canceled due to the draft regulation that was intended to facilitate the arrival to Poland of foreign workers. In the background there may also be a scandal with the Visa Decision Center, for which his colleague was responsible. On August 31, CBA agents probably entered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

“The Visa Scandal” and Black Hawk. New PO spots

PO referred to accepting migrants in a short spot. “It happened. The PiS government invited 250,000 people to Poland. immigrants from Asia and Africa. Their people created a system that allowed intermediaries to issue visas in exchange for bribes of $5,000 a head. The CBA entered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. – says the narrator in a menacing voice. “They threatened and frightened them, but they let them in,” he adds. The spot also includes information that the government has invited more immigrants to Poland than France and Germany.

In the next spot, PO mocked PiS’s election slogan. “They promised a safe Poland, it turned out as usual,” the narrator begins. The spot included a shot from a family picnic in Zbuczyn, where PiS president Jarosław Kaczyński put on a firefighter’s helmet. “The trains stopped in the middle of the field and the Russian anthem was heard over the loudspeaker,” the narrator continues, and then a fragment of the anthem is heard. Then, the spot shows a recording of an incident involving a police Black Hawk near Ciechanów, in which the screams of the picnic participants can be heard. PO recalled that the helicopter then hit a part of the power line. “They talk about how safe we ​​are. This is what PiS fraud looks like,” the narrator concludes.

Earlier, Mateusz Morawiecki published a spot with “Tusk’s specifics”.

–Donald Tusk announced that he would give his hundred details on Saturday. There is no need to wait so long, we have the specifics. Tusk’s details of shame include a hundred cases, over 90 percent of which he couldn’t or didn’t want to deal with it. But he accomplished a few. Higher retirement age, taking away savings from OFE, increasing VAT, Poland’s dependence on Russian raw materials, and selling off the assets of the Polish state. It’s better for Tusk to leave his details to himself and his colleagues. This is a pipe dream. The government of Law and Justice will best take care of Poles, said the head of government in the film.

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