PiS will lose the subsidy? The National Electoral Commission will check the group's expenses
Expenditures from the Justice Fund will be checked by the National Electoral Office and the National Electoral Commission – informs Money.pl. This will be done as part of the audit of reports for the last parliamentary campaign, in which Sovereign Poland politicians ran from PiS lists.
For several days now, we have been dealing with a scandal surrounding the spending of funds from the Justice Fund. It turns out that these funds did not necessarily go to the purposes for which the fund was established.
The scandal hits Sovereign Poland, Zbigniew Ziobro's group, which for a decade (previously called Solidarna Polska) has been in alliance with Law and Justice as part of the United Right project. Although PiS activists are trying to distance themselves from the case, it may turn out that Jarosław Kaczyński's party will fall victim to it.
PiS will lose the subsidy?
According to unofficial findings by Money.pl, expenditure from the Justice Fund will be checked by the National Electoral Office and the National Electoral Commission. This will be done as part of the audit of reports for the last parliamentary campaign. – Of course we will check it. We see what is happening – one of the officials responsible for electoral control tells the portal.
The portal's interlocutor emphasizes that currently “it is difficult to assess whether the situation will affect the settlement of the PiS committee's report.”
The website points out that if irregularities are found in campaign financing, e.g. due to the use of funds from the Justice Fund, PiS may lose a large part of its party subsidy.
According to the regulations, the consequences of rejecting financial statements include: reducing the amount of the individual subsidy and reducing the amount of subsidy for the party's statutory activities or losing the right to subsidy. In the previous term, PiS received PLN 23.5 million for this purpose.
The National Electoral Office (KBW) in a comment for Money.pl emphasizes that “all information” that may affect the assessment of the financial management of political parties or electoral committees is used when examining the reports. – As a result of the examination, the report may be accepted without reservations, accepted with deficiencies pointed out, or rejected in cases specified in the provisions of the indicated acts. This is done by way of a decision of the National Electoral Commission, which is accompanied by a justification indicating the factual and legal basis for the decision. The party or committee may file a complaint to the Supreme Court against decisions rejecting the report – emphasizes the KBW press office.
The audit of the reports is scheduled to end in July.