Pawłowicz was furious after the German journalist’s text. “He is brazenly insulting Poles once again”

Pawłowicz was furious after the German journalist's text.  "He is brazenly insulting Poles once again"

Krystyna Pawłowicz did not like the text of the Warsaw correspondent of the German daily. According to the Constitutional Tribunal judge, our western neighbors “do not know the limits of their arrogance.”

The German daily “Tageszeitung” stated that Poles are waiting for a new political order after the parliamentary elections and are slowly becoming impatient. The newspaper’s Warsaw correspondent, Gabriele Lesser, said that the obstacle was “a phalanx of right-wing national populists.” TVP also got it, which “divides society into real Poles on the one hand and masked Germans or Russians on the other.”

According to the “TAZ” journalist, the huge hatred of Jarosław Kaczyński and many PiS supporters towards “internal enemies” has its roots in the Smolensk disaster in 2010. The leader of the United Right is said to blame Vladimir Putin for the death of his brother, even though, as we read, “neither he, nor the PiS investigative commission were able to present any credible evidence of this.”

The German daily criticizes Andrzej Duda

“Tageszeitung” also pointed out that Andrzej Duda, by entrusting the mission of forming a government to Mateusz Morawiecki, “is throwing obstacles in the way of the new government.” The German daily assessed that the head of state “finally took a step from the ‘president of all Poles’ to a party soldier.” According to Lesser, it is doubtful that Duda will help the Constitutional Tribunal regain its independence.

“Even courts in 16 voivodeships can no longer be considered politically independent,” the correspondent said. She added that a chance for quick depoliticization is possible only in the case of the National Council of the Judiciary. Finally, “TAZ” recalled Duda’s promise to be the “president of all Poles.” Krystyna Pawłowicz commented on the matter on social media.

Krystyna Pawłowicz criticizes the correspondent. “A famous German Polonophobe”

“The Germans know no limits to their arrogance. The well-known German Polonophobe Gabriele Lesser, instead of dealing with the issue of German reparations for Poland for war crimes and the genocide of her compatriots against Poles, is once again brazenly insulting Poles! Mrs. Lesser, first reparations for Poland,” commented the judge of the Constitutional Tribunal.

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