Not only “Safe Credit”. Almost 3 thousand people opened a “Housing Account”

So far, applicants have submitted almost 68,000 applications. applications for “Safe 2% loan”. 3.5 thousand. people became interested in the “Housing Account”, a new tool enabling saving for the purchase of a flat in the future.
“Safe 2% loan” program. launched in early July. It is offered by 12 banks, and one financial institution has declared its willingness to join it. Since then, 67,814 loan applications have been submitted, which resulted in 20,905 contracts. The average loan amount is PLN 397.3 thousand. zloty.
“Housing account” – what is it?
The second component of the program encouraging the purchase of apartments is the “Housing Account”. They can be opened by a person who does not have and has never had an apartment or house. A person who lives in one property with at least two children can also participate in the program.
The apartment cannot be larger than:
50 m2 in the case of 2 children
75m2 in the case of 3 children
90 m2 in the case of 4 children
no limit for 5 or more children.
Each saver will receive a special Housing Bonus every year. It will be equal to the annual inflation rate or the rate of change in the value of the price of 1 m2 of usable area of a residential building. The bonus is calculated annually and paid once. Each year, an indicator that is more favorable to the saver is selected.
The savings bear additional interest in accordance with the bank’s offer, and the interest is exempt from Belka tax.
Over 3 thousand “Housing Accounts”
Since the start of the program, 3,467 “Housing Accounts” have been opened, with PLN 11.469 million accumulated (the average amount on the account is over PLN 3.3 thousand). Currently, this instrument is offered by three banks: Alior Bank, Bank Pekao and PKO Bank Polski.
– Approximately 3,000 people arrive every week. signed contracts. The amount of loans granted has already exceeded PLN 8.3 billion, so over the entire support period the state will add almost PLN 3.3 billion to them – said Waldemar Buda, Minister of Development and Technology in an interview with PAP.
“Housing Account” is an instrument for people who plan to buy a flat in the next few years. They can be worn from 13 to 45 years of age. Parents can also consider opening it – for their children.
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