How does 800+ compare to the minimum wage? The scientist compared the data

How does 800+ compare to the minimum wage?  The scientist compared the data

In January, the benefit currently known as Family 500+ will increase, and more will be transferred to the accounts of the lowest earners. Ryszard Szarfenberg from the University of Warsaw calculated the ratio of the Family 800+ benefit to the minimum wage. From January 2024, the benefit increased to PLN 800 will constitute 25%. minimum wage.

From January 2024, the minimum salary under an employment contract will be PLN 4,242, and from July it will increase to PLN 4,300 gross. In the second half of 2023, the minimum wage is PLN 3,600 gross.

800+ and the lowest salary

Ryszard Szarfenberg from the University of Warsaw calculated the ratio of the Family 500+ benefit to the minimum wage after increases in both of them after January 1, 2024, compared to the value of the benefit compared to the minimum wage in 2016. The benefit for children and young people is to increase to PLN 800 and will be paid in the new amount automatically, without the need for parents to submit an application.

Szarfenberg’s calculations show that at the start of the 500 plus program it accounted for 37%. net minimum wage. The lowest national wage was then PLN 1,850 gross, i.e. PLN 1,355 net. In 2023, with the minimum wage at PLN 3,490 gross (PLN 2,709 net), and from July – PLN 3,600 gross (PLN 2,784 net), PLN 500 plus is approximately 18 percent. the lowest national level, and 26 percent – after hypothetical inflation adjustment.

From January 2024, the benefit increased to PLN 800 will constitute 25%. minimum wage.

On the X platform, Szarfenberg summarized that “the parental benefit (500 plus), even after a large increase in 2024, will be much lower than in 2016 compared to the minimum wage.”

How many foreigners receive 500 plus? Data provided

Last year, foreigners constituted 4%. 500 plus beneficiaries. In the first half of this year, over 2 million benefits were paid to foreigners.

According to the data provided by, in the period January-June this year. – under the Family 500 plus program, the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) paid over PLN 2 million in benefits to children of foreigners. The largest number of benefits, nearly PLN 1.8 million, were transferred to Ukrainians. The next places were taken by citizens of Belarus (almost 101.5 thousand), Russia (20.8 thousand), Vietnam (13.5 thousand), Romania (12.4 thousand) and Bulgaria (over 9.5 thousand). .).

Throughout 2022, over 3.2 million benefits were paid. Last year, foreigners constituted 4%. 500 plus beneficiaries. Experts predict that by the end of this year, citizens of other countries will constitute 5%. benefit beneficiaries.

– The data quoted show that the share of foreigners in the Family 500 plus program in 2022 was 4%. Taking into account that only Ukrainian children accounted for 5-8% in particular years of school age, it can be concluded that a significant some foreigners in Poland did not use their right to benefits from the beginning. Knowledge on this subject probably became widespread especially among representatives of other nations. Therefore, it can be predicted that the number of foreigners taking advantage of this right will reach a record this year – comments Kamil Sobolewski, chief economist of the Employers of Poland organization, quoted by

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