Motion to waive the immunity of the President of the Supreme Audit Office. “This is an attempt to discredit me”

The President of the Supreme Audit Office, Marian Banaś, said that he was not afraid of losing his immunity. In his opinion, the prosecutor’s allegations against him have no basis. – This is manipulation and untrue – said Banaś.
On January 20, the Minister of Justice, Adam Bodnar, received a request to waive the immunity of the president of the Supreme Audit Office, Marian Banaś.
President of the Supreme Audit Office: I am not afraid of losing my immunity
The prosecutor’s office wants to bring 15 charges against him, including two new ones, regarding, among others, underestimating tax when renting apartments and tenement houses and exceeding rights. This is another request to waive Banaś’s immunity.
The previous one was submitted during the previous term of the Sejm, but Law and Justice did not decide to put it to a vote in the Sejm at that time. On Wednesday, January 31, Banaś commented on the new application in the “Guest of Events” program on Polsat. He emphasized that he was not afraid of losing his immunity.
– I’m not afraid. I believe that this is the competence of the Minister of Justice. (…) All these actions that the prosecutor’s office, which reports directly to Minister Ziobro, performs are simply actions resulting from fear of what this prosecutor’s office has been doing in recent years together with some CBA officers (…). This is an attempt to discredit (…) me, my son and the entire institution in order to undermine (…) the credibility of the findings of the Supreme Audit Office. This is manipulation and untrue, commented Banaś.
Banaś: I am calm about the court’s verdict
However, he admitted that he was not familiar with the content of the request sent by the prosecutor’s office to Bodnar. He emphasized that “there is no need” to hold a vote in the Sejm on lifting his immunity.
– There are no grounds to bring any charges against me. And I am calmly waiting for the end of my term. Then, as I have already been dismissed from my position, I can calmly explain these accusations. And I think that (…) I will defend myself (…). I am calm about the court’s verdict in my case, because I have absolutely nothing to reproach myself with. There was one intention: to deprive the president, i.e. Banaś, of the presidency of the Supreme Audit Office and take over this Chamber and subordinate it to the monopoly of the Nowogród authorities – continued Banaś.