Local government elections 2024. How to become a municipal councilor?

Local government elections 2024. How to become a municipal councilor?

What does a councilor do and who can become one? Check how to register an electoral committee and run in local elections.

  • How to become a councilor?
  • What does a councilor do?
  • How much does a councilor earn?
  • Who can become a councilor?
  • Who cannot become a municipal councilor?
  • How are councilors elected?

A councilor elected in free, universal and equal local government elections takes part in the work of the commune and its committees or other works to which he was delegated.

How to become a councilor?

To become a councilor, you must first report to the commune office whether you are entered in the electoral register. Every person who is a Polish citizen and is registered in a given commune is entered in the electoral register ex officio. People who live in a specific commune but are not registered there can submit an application to be added to the voter register. We submit the application to the commune office, and the commune head should issue a decision within 3 days.

The first step to becoming a councilor is to register an electoral committee, and the next step is to create a committee.

What does a councilor do?

The duties of municipal councilors include:

  • adopting the commune’s statute

  • adoption of the commune budget

  • consideration of the budget implementation report

  • determining the mayor’s remuneration

  • determining the directions of action of the mayor

  • accepting reports on its activities

  • adopting resolutions on taxes in the commune

The commune council also works on spatial development and determines the scope of operation of auxiliary units.

How much does a councilor earn?

In small communes, the allowance amounts to a maximum of PLN 2,147.30 per month. In communes with 15 to 100 thousand inhabitants – PLN 3,220.96. Councilors of large communes with over 100,000 inhabitants have the highest allowances, which amount to PLN 4,294.61.

Who can become a councilor?

A person who is a Polish citizen and has permanent residence in a given commune and has the right to vote in local elections to this commune council may become a councilor. A candidate for councilor must be 18 years old on the day of voting at the latest.

Who cannot become a municipal councilor?

A person who has been deprived of public rights, incapacitated by a final court decision or deprived of electoral rights by a decision of the State Tribunal cannot become a municipal councilor.

How are councilors elected?

Councilors are elected directly from among the candidates nominated for local government elections. In a commune with up to 20,000 inhabitants, one candidate is elected as a councilor. In a commune with more than 20,000 inhabitants, 5 to 8 councilors are elected in electoral districts.

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