Mandatory replacement of electricity meters. What do you need to know about her?

Already 200,000 smart remote reading meters have been installed in the Warsaw network. The modernization of the measurement system is part of the EU plan to replace traditional electricity meters with modern devices. For electricity consumers, the replacement of meters is mandatory and free of charge.
Currently, remote reading meters, i.e. so-called smart meters, are being installed on a large scale in Poland. In the capital, Stoen Operator is responsible for implementing the program. The operator already achieved the first milestone of the program in October 2023, at the level of 180,000. installed devices. By the end of 2025, the company expects to replace devices in 35 percent. recipients, and in 2027 – 65 percent
Replacing meters is mandatory
Pursuant to the provisions of the Act, each electricity consumer will have a remote reading meter installed. However, most people still do not know the rules for exchanging them.
– Replacing meters is an important process on the path to modern energy. However, as our study shows, society still lacks adequate knowledge about it. More than half of the respondents do not know what meter replacement is and what benefits may result from it. Only 37 percent respondents have no concerns about surveillance through meters, and only slightly over 1/3 believe that the meters will accurately count the energy used and will not inflate bills. Most people surveyed are sure that the costs of purchasing and installing new metering will be passed on to end users, increasing their bills – says Jakub Tomczak, director of the Measurement Management Division at Stoen Operator.
Replacing meters is free of charge
Replacing the old device with new metering is completely free of charge, and its costs are borne by the distribution system operator. In addition, smart metering offers a number of benefits for users.
The smart energy meter is the successor to standard electronic meters that have been measuring energy consumption in our homes for over 20 years. These devices automatically check, collect and transmit data regarding not only electricity consumption, but also record interruptions in energy supply or other events, e.g. attempts to tamper with the meter. Thanks to them, there is no longer any need to submit measurements to the energy company, let a collector into your home or enter the reading on a special platform every month. This is more convenient for both the user and the provider.
The new meters are very precise and can be read at any time. The energy consumer no longer has to rely on consumption forecasts, but only pays for the actual electricity consumed. This allows you to save up to 10%. previously used electricity – detailed and real information about consumption can motivate you to change your habits.
– Remote reading meters enable ongoing monitoring of energy consumption, which in turn allows for effective management of energy consumption and potential savings. The possibility of using a dynamic tariff and easier billing and payment for energy are other advantages of smart metering – says Jakub Tomczak.
Modern meters transmit information to the energy company's dispatch center. This makes it easier to repair faults, detect the causes of failures or solve other problems arising between the supplier and the recipient.
Customer data is supposed to be safe
Smart meters do not send information about which devices in a given apartment or house are being used at a specific time. It is important that the data they collect is protected against access by third parties. Communication between individual elements of the smart network is encrypted. The same technologies are used here as, for example, in online banking.