Putin announced what steps Russia would take. He talked to Netanyahu about it

Putin announced what steps Russia would take.  He talked to Netanyahu about it

Vladimir Putin held his first conversation with Benjamin Netanyahu since the beginning of Israel’s war with Hamas. According to “Ukrainska Pravda”, the Russian leader allegedly told the Israeli prime minister that Russia would take steps “to facilitate the normalization of the situation and prevent further escalation.”

The latest UN calculations show that up to a million people have fled the northern part of the Gaza Strip within a week. The Israeli army continues to fire after Hamas launched an attack killing at least 1,400 people. US President Joe Biden is scheduled to visit Israel soon and meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Earlier, however, Netanyahu spoke with Vladimir Putin. Reports of the leaders’ telephone conversation emerged on Monday evening. According to “Ukrainska Pravda”, this was Putin’s first conversation with Netanyahu since Hamas attacked Israel. The Russian leader reportedly said that Russia would take steps to “facilitate the normalization of the situation and prevent further escalation” between Israel and Hamas militants.

Putin also allegedly repeated that his country was ready to work to end the conflict. He also reportedly expressed condolences to the families of the killed Israelis, condemning “all actions that constitute repression against the civilian population, especially women and children.” “Ukrainska Pravda” notes that Putin previously talked to the leaders of Iran, Egypt, Syria and Palestine.

The US president will visit Israel

Advisers to the US president cited by CNN claim that although the visit to Israel poses a significant threat to Joe Biden, the situation in the Middle East is important to him. For this reason, he decided to take part in this difficult undertaking. He has a forty-year relationship with Prime Minister Netanyahu and is scheduled to appear in this country due to the invitation of the head of the Israeli government.

As U.S. discussions continued on Monday on how to organize the visit, Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with Israeli officials in Tel Aviv to discuss opening Gaza to humanitarian aid. Joe Biden – according to Blinken’s words – is to go to Israel on Wednesday, and the United States “agreed to develop a plan that will enable humanitarian assistance from donor countries and other organizations.”

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