Kwaśniewski on the “clones” of Kaczyński and Tusk. “Not So Talented”

Kwaśniewski on the "clones" of Kaczyński and Tusk.  "Not So Talented"

A few days before the parliamentary elections, Aleksander Kwaśniewski criticized the ongoing campaign. However, he spoke highly of Donald Tusk. The former president also mentioned the ongoing generational change.

Parliamentary elections will be held in Poland on Sunday, October 15. Aleksander Kwaśniewski said that the current campaign is “the worst we have ever had.” – This is the worst campaign in democratic Poland. And this is undoubtedly caused mainly by the ruling party, which is playing hard to polarize society and look for an enemy. Adding a referendum to the elections, which has never happened before, is an element of political manipulation intended to further strengthen the political message and at the same time obtain money that can support the campaign – the former president analyzed in an interview for Onet.

Aleksander Kwaśniewski with a dark vision: This campaign bodes ill

Aleksander Kwaśniewski also drew a pessimistic conclusion for the future. – I will not mention what is happening in the public media, which have completely taken over the role of media supporting the PiS government. Moreover, a prime minister has never played such an antagonizing role during election campaigns. Political leaders yes, but the prime minister of the government has always tried to be more balanced. And this is a campaign in which the Prime Minister uses all his strength against Tusk, against the opposition, against people who think differently, he continued.

– Therefore, I believe that from the point of view of Poland’s future, this campaign bodes ill, because it deepens polarization, which will be very difficult to overcome. And this is regardless of who wins, he added.

“Clones of Kaczyński and Tusk”. Kwaśniewski looks into the future

According to the former president, the election result is still undecided, and he assessed the chances of the main political camps as “half and half.” – Perhaps a bomb will explode, but personally I don’t think anything will change radically here. So there is tension because the result is still an open matter, he said. Aleksander Kwaśniewski also emphasized that he himself is consistent in his political preferences and will vote for the Left.

Aleksander Kwaśniewski also complimented Donald Tusk in an interview for Onet. – I must say that I have a lot of admiration for Tusk for this campaign, because he is not much younger than me, and he decided to take a really difficult and unusual step – he said.

– Not only did he come back and clean up the party, but he is running an absolutely 100% campaign. And he does it with head and determination. It’s good that there is such a leader, because if we had left Kaczyński alone on the stage, we would be in a much worse situation. So there is no point in complaining that after 20 years we still have the same old men. But I think this is one of the last such disputes between these two, because there will be some generational change, said the former president.

– These will be some clones of Kaczyński, but not as talented as him, and clones of Tusk, but also not as talented as him. But new characters appear. I am impressed by many female politicians, especially from the Left. I think the future belongs to them, he concluded.

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