Krasulski, Rau, Terlecki, Macierewicz. They should have been the locomotives, but they were overtaken by candidates from further afield

Krasulski, Rau, Terlecki, Macierewicz.  They should have been the locomotives, but they were overtaken by candidates from further afield

They should have been electoral locomotives, but instead they were overtaken by candidates from further places. Here are the “ones” of Law and Justice who did not shine with results in the Sejm elections.

Law and Justice put many leading politicians in first place, including recognizable ministers, but among the leaders there was also a large group of people who could hardly be considered electoral locomotives. In eight districts, candidates from further places overtook the “firsts”.

Dworczyk triumphs

“Jedynka” in Wałbrzych – Marcin Gwóźdź, an MP unknown to the general public – won 23,434 votes. In turn, Michał Dworczyk achieved almost twice as good a result – 40,264 votes. In 2019, the former head of the Prime Minister’s Office and one of Mateusz Morawiecki’s closest collaborators was the leader of this district, and now he has been pushed to third place. The reason for removing the politician from a prominent position was the e-mail scandal that followed him.

In Bydgoszcz, the head of the president’s office, Paweł Szrot, was chased away by the “two”, i.e. the minister in the Prime Minister’s Chancellery, Łukasz Schreiber. The first of them won 20,210 votes, and the second one was supported by 44,413 people in his hometown.

Rau, Macierewicz and Terlecki are outclassed

Foreign Minister Zbigniew Rau also did not confirm his ability to be on the electoral roll in these elections. 32,387 voters voted for the PiS leader in Łódź, and 45,474 people voted for the second on the list, Minister of Development and Technology Waldemar Buda.

In Piotrków Trybunalski, Antoni Macierewicz, who started from number one, won 32,496 votes, and a better result than him, i.e. 49,262 votes, was won by the Minister of Agriculture, Robert Telus, from the second position.

Ryszard Terlecki, who this year was moved from Krakow to the PiS stronghold of Nowy Sącz, cannot boast of an impressive achievement either. The current head of the PiS parliamentary club and deputy speaker of the Sejm won only 29,882 votes. He was clearly overtaken from second place by the deputy head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Arkadiusz Mularczyk, who gathered 62,758 votes.

In Płock, Maciej Małecki, second on the list, won 33,636 votes and achieved a slightly better result than the “number one”, i.e. the Minister of Sport and Tourism Kamil Bortniczuk, for whom 31,555 people voted.

The “threes” and even the “fours” overtook the ones

In turn, in Rybnik, Michał Woś achieved the best result among PiS candidates. The deputy minister of justice and member of Solidarna Polska ran from third place and won 39,902 votes. Ziobrysta overtook the “number one”, i.e. MP Bolesław Piecha (32,427 votes) and the deputy head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Paweł Jabłoński (22,996 votes).

The results in Elbląg are even more interesting. “One” on the local list, MP Leonard Krasulski, won only 13,948 votes. He was overtaken by the “three”, i.e. the deputy head of MAP, Andrzej Śliwka, who was chosen by 32,895 voters, and even the “four”, i.e. Robert Gontarz, who received 24,940 votes.

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