IQ test – what is it? Its reliability and interpretation of the result. Take a quick intelligence test

IQ test – what is it?  Its reliability and interpretation of the result.  Take a quick intelligence test

An IQ test, or intelligence test, is a tool used to measure intelligence quotient (IQ). IQ is expressed as a numerical value and is intended to assess a person’s mental abilities compared to the rest of the population. IQ tests are conducted by specialists and are widely available on the Internet, which means you can do them yourself. Is a self-selected and administered IQ test reliable? Check!

  • What is intelligence and IQ?
  • What is an IQ test?
  • IQ test from the Internet and the reliability of the results
  • IQ test – interpretation of results
  • What influences the reliability of an intelligence test result?
  • Can you improve your IQ test score?
  • Is an IQ test the only way to measure intelligence?
  • IQ test results and success
  • Summary on IQ tests

The IQ test is a psychometric test that allows you to measure mental performance in specific areas. Intelligence quotient based on IQ test results is the average of the answers given to the questions asked. It is worth knowing that there are many IQ tests, the results of which do not always allow for reliable measurements of IQ. IQ tests taken online should be taken with a pinch of salt. If we want to know the actual IQ, it is best to take a psychological IQ test under the supervision of a specialist.

What is intelligence and IQ?

According to various definitions, intelligence is a mental property and the ability to solve problems, the ability to adapt to changing conditions and solve new tasks, the ability to perceive relationships, think rationally and cope with difficulties, and the ability to learn. IQ is an IQ test result that has a numerical value. IQ tests allow us to approximately determine the intelligence quotient of the person being tested.

What is an IQ test?

The IQ test consists of a series of tasks requiring logical thinking, problem solving and analysis. These tasks are designed to assess various aspects of intelligence, including the ability to reason, the ability to plan and solve problems, think abstractly, understand complex ideas, learn quickly and adapt to new situations. The last question in an IQ test is often the most difficult and requires the greatest logical effort.

Depending on the type of IQ test, you need to answer different questions. Important – publicly available IQ tests are not used to diagnose intellectual disabilities. If you suspect various disorders in yourself or your loved ones, you should consult a specialist!

Reliable results of measuring IQ are provided only by standardized tests, which are performed, among others, in psychological offices. Currently, one of the most reliable publicly available IQ tests are those conducted by the Mensa association. This association brings together people with high intelligence quotient (high IQ).

Currently, the most frequently used IQ tests include the WAIS-R questionnaire, which contains various tasks corresponding to different types of intelligence. These tasks are divided into a verbal part and a non-verbal part. Individual parts of the WAIS-R questionnaire include, among others:

  • dictionary tasks,

  • arithmetic problems,

  • comprehension tasks,

  • tasks of noticing similarities,

  • tasks of remembering and repeating numbers,

  • organizing and arranging images,

  • interpretation of symbols.

A properly constructed IQ test allows you to determine the level of defined cognitive skills, which include: language skills, arithmetic skills, associative skills, and analytical and spatial skills.

IQ test from the Internet and the reliability of the results

Most uncertified IQ tests also contain tasks that test various skills, but the questions on them have not been approved by specialists. In fact, anyone can create their own intelligence test based on publicly available information and professional literature, so it is worth emphasizing once again that Do not take IQ test results from the Internet seriously. Under no circumstances should publicly available IQ tests be used for diagnostic purposes!

IQ test – interpretation of results

An IQ test score is expressed as a number that represents a person’s position on a bell curve of intelligence. The average IQ score is 100 and the standard deviation is 15. A score above 130 is considered very high and a score below 70 is considered low.

What influences the reliability of an intelligence test result?

Professional IQ tests are widely recognized as reliable tools for measuring intelligence when administered by professionals. In the case of publicly available IQ tests that we conduct ourselves, the IQ result is only an indicative measure of mental abilities and should not be treated as a final indicator of intelligence. Moreover, there are numerous studies suggesting that the IQ test result may be influenced by various factors, e.g. poorer physical health at a given moment. The accuracy of IQ tests can depend on many factors, including the quality of the test itself. Some IQ tests are less accurate and reliable than others. The results of IQ tests may vary depending on, for example, your mood, so it is always worth taking the results of IQ tests with a pinch of salt.

Can you improve your IQ test score?

Most aspects of intelligence are permanent, but it is possible to improve your mental abilities, which means that you can get a better result on an IQ test next time. A beneficial effect on mental abilities includes, among others: solving logical puzzles, reading books and other publications, and solving crosswords.

Is an IQ test the only way to measure intelligence?

Although IQ tests are commonly used to assess intelligence, they are not the only tool available. There are other methods of measuring intelligence, such as tests of creative abilities, tests of social abilities, and tests of emotional abilities. Each of these tests can provide valuable information about different aspects of intelligence.

The accuracy of IQ tests can depend on many factors, including the quality of the test itself. Remember that IQ test results can vary depending on the day, mood, and many other factors.

IQ test results and success

Although the IQ level may influence, among others, on academic results, it is not a decisive criterion when it comes to achieving success in life. Success in various areas of life is influenced by various factors, including, for example, social skills, emotional abilities and motivation to act. They play an equally important role as intelligence quotient, contributing to achieving success in life. It often happens that people with high IQ are unable to fully use their abilities, e.g. due to lack of adequate support from the environment or other life obstacles, which causes them to achieve less than people with average IQ. IQ itself is not a decisive factor in achieving success in various areas of life.

Summary on IQ tests

IQ tests are a commonly used tool for assessing intelligence quotient, but not every IQ test gives the correct result. Publicly available intelligence tests should be treated as entertainment because they are not a certified tool for assessing human intelligence. In order to diagnose intellectual disability and to reliably determine intelligence quotient, certified, standardized psychological tests are used. Currently, the most commonly used test to determine IQ is the WAIS-R questionnaire. Reliable IQ tests are also conducted by the MENSA association. It is difficult to choose the best IQ test among publicly available intelligence tests. If you want to know your intelligence quotient, it is best to take an IQ test, e.g. in a psychologist’s office.


  • Jan Strelau, On human intelligence, Wiedza Powszechna, Warsaw, 1987

  • Rathus Spencer A., ​​Contemporary Psychology. Better, more, more accessible, Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne, Gdańsk, 2004

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