Changes in the Clean Air program. It will be widely available and simpler

Changes in the Clean Air program.  It will be widely available and simpler

The Clean Air Program is intended to help reduce emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere resulting from the burning of low-quality fuel and the use of outdated installations in households. The government has allocated PLN 103 billion to co-finance the replacement of furnaces and thermal modernization of buildings, which it wants to distribute over 10 years. – So far, the value of the contracted support is only PLN 1.6 billion. We need to speed up this process and make the program widely available, says Ireneusz Zyska from the Ministry of Climate.

– In order to achieve the goals of the Clean Air program and use the financial resources allocated for its implementation, the beneficiaries should use a total of PLN 10 billion each year – says Ireneusz Zyska, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Climate and government plenipotentiary for renewable energy sources, to the Newseria Biznes agency. – Changes are necessary to simplify and popularize this program. In addition, beneficiaries will be divided according to income categories. The idea is to create more favorable conditions for supporting those who are affected by energy poverty and are unable to ensure good thermal conditions in their homes or apartments on their own.

Owners and co-owners of single-family houses or separate residential premises can apply for government financial assistance. In addition to the purchase of modern furnaces that meet emission standards, the co-financing also covers the thermal modernization of buildings and the installation of renewable energy sources – solar collectors and photovoltaic panels, as well as the installation of mechanical ventilation with heat recovery. Investments co-financed by the Clean Air program are intended to ensure better management of thermal energy at home at any time of the year. By properly insulating the building and replacing the heat source, heating bills can be reduced by 40%.

Income and the level of funding

The amount of subsidy depends on the monthly income per person in the household, and the scope of work covered by financial support depends on the age of the building. The maximum cost that can be subsidized is PLN 53,000. PLN, and the minimum eligible cost of the project is PLN 7,000. zloty. The subsidy can range from 30 to 90 percent. eligible costs. The program also provides for loans on preferential terms.

– We would like to invite financing institutions to cooperate and verify the possibilities of repaying these liabilities. There was also a proposal that instead of checking the financial credibility of beneficiaries, verification should be carried out by submitting declarations in which applicants guarantee the level of income obtained. These statements will be verified at a later stage so that the procedures do not block the submission of applications, their positive verification and obtaining financial support, explains Ireneusz Zyska.

As he emphasizes, changes to the Clean Air program will be officially announced by the Minister of Climate, Michał Kurtyka, and Piotr Woźny, president of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, most likely in March, before World Water Day, which is celebrated on March 22.

– During this term of the Sejm, we want to significantly improve the air quality in cities, wherever smog is felt today. I think this program will serve this purpose well, says the Secretary of State at the Ministry of Climate.

The government hopes that the Clean Air program will also have an economic dimension and will contribute to the development of the construction, installation and technology industries, offering innovative solutions in the field of renewable energy sources.

– Such a large financial injection, which is intended to help eliminate smog and improve the energy efficiency of buildings, will result in the development of products and services and improve the condition of the entire related industry – assumes Ireneusz Zyska. – This program will certainly trigger a whole range of economic impulses and create new industries and companies that will adapt their offers to market needs.

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