Strojnik – a giant found on a beach in Oregon. He weighed 45 kilograms

Strojnik – a giant found on a beach in Oregon.  He weighed 45 kilograms

Fish of enormous size are a rare sight in the US state of Oregon. When we add that it is a beautiful lampris (Lampris guttatus), the discovery becomes even more interesting.

On July 15, employees of the municipal aquarium in Seaside, Oregon, posted photos of a beautiful and huge fish on social media. They reported that the animal was found on Sunset Beach in the morning of the same day. It was an exceptionally handsome specimen of the elk, measuring one meter in length and weighing 45 kilograms.

Seaside Aquarium employees took the dead animal and froze it for educational purposes. At the beginning of the next academic year, they intend to make the fish body available to one of the groups of students and enable them to dissect it.

As scientists point out, stingrays of this size are rarely seen on the Oregon coast. The last time a slightly smaller individual appeared in the area was in 2009, near the mouth of the Columbia River. Fish of this species usually live in the ocean in warm and calm waters. They can reach up to 272 kilograms.

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