“Apartment for starters”. The minister reveals the launch date of the program

"Apartment for starters". The minister reveals the launch date of the program

Currently, the assumption is that the “Mieszkanie na start” program would be valid in 2024 and 2025. We are currently conducting consultations and it cannot be ruled out that it will last longer – said Krzysztof Hetman, Minister of Development and technology. The politician revealed when the program will start.

On Wednesday, the Minister of Development and Technology Krzysztof Hetman was a guest of “Fakty po Faktach” on TVN24. One of the topics of the conversation was the “Mieszkanie na start” program. The minister announced that it would start “definitely in the fall at the latest”.

Minister of Development on the “Apartment to start” program

– We are currently conducting very extensive consultations. However, I must emphasize one thing, that this is only one piece of the puzzle, because we are conducting consultations on the supply program, on the demand program, in terms of assistance for borrowers, but also on social construction, social housing, which is equally important to us – said the head of the Ministry of Development and Technology.

Hetman pointed out that “this is a starter apartment and you will not be able to rent it.” – It will be an apartment for your own needs – emphasized the Minister of Development.

– We are also introducing fuses into this program. We will try to ensure that prices do not increase, for example when it comes to the income limit. The interest rate and subsidy amount will depend on the number of children in the household. We want to address this program very precisely to families – added.

The politician confirmed that PLN 500 million will be allocated to the program this year. – Currently, the assumption is that the program would be valid in 2024 and 2025. Currently, as I said, we are conducting consultations and it cannot be ruled out that it will last longer. This will be the result of consultations, conversations with experts, as well as findings in our intergovernmental dialogue process, said Hetman.

“Mieszkanie na start” is to replace the “Safe 2% loan” program launched by the previous government. According to calculations by the Ministry of Development and Technology, approximately 50,000 borrowers may benefit from the new support. people.

The Minister of Development emphasized that the “Safe 2% loan” resulted in an increase in prices, and this loan was used by many people who could have obtained a loan under normal commercial conditions. However, he admitted that assistance for borrowers must be maintained because “many Polish families today are unable to meet the criteria set by banks, they cannot afford to buy a property.”

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