A camel was running on a bicycle path in Masuria. Internet users used it as a joke

A camel was running on a bicycle path in Masuria.  Internet users used it as a joke

At the end of the May weekend, you could see a real camel near Bogaczewo. The local village head and eyewitnesses told TVN24 about the unusual sight.

Emilia Czerwińska, the village head of Bogaczewo in the Giżycko district, told journalists about an exotic animal in the middle of a Polish forest. – I was on a long trip when my husband called me and told me that there was a camel on the bicycle path behind Bogaczewo. At first I thought he was joking. I only believed it when he sent me a photo. I was shocked, she said.

A camel in Masuria

Such a phenomenon occurred on Sunday, May 5. – I immediately called three mini zoos located in the area because I thought the animal might have escaped from there. However, I couldn't reach anyone. So I posted the photo my husband sent me on Facebook, she said.

As it turned out, this tactic was very effective. After just five minutes, people from the local petting zoo called back. The camel allegedly escaped while driving animals from one pasture to another. It was scared of people who were riding quad bikes on forest roads.

– I didn't think there were camels in that mini zoo. Employees soon arrived and took him away. Anyway, the animals somehow liked Bogaczewo. So far, we have had llamas and goats, but never a camel. He probably wanted to use the Masurian bicycle loop, i.e. the bicycle path opened last year, which stretches along Lake Niegocin – Czerwińska continued.

Internet users joke about a camel on a bicycle path

The whole story was very much appreciated by Internet users, who wrote on social media, among others: about a “caravan through Masuria” and explained the whole event as a May weekend. Some joked about global warming and the diversification of forest animals. Others linked the appearance of the unusual animal to sand from the Sahara.

– Of course, the case is humorous, but the most important thing is that neither the animal nor anyone else was hurt. My husband said that the camel was also running on the road and was scared – emphasized the village head, Czerwińska. Local policemen were also involved in everything. However, before they reached the place where they were called, the animal had already been taken away by people from the zoo. The officers informed the owner about the need to increase supervision over the animals.

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