Zbigniew Boniek had no mercy for Polish players. Strong words were spoken

Zbigniew Boniek had no mercy for Polish players.  Strong words were spoken

Zbigniew Boniek did not intend to remain silent after the draw between Poles and the Czech Republic. The former president of the Polish Football Association posted an entry on social media in which he expressed his feelings about the lack of direct promotion to Euro 2024. He also added what must happen for the White and Reds to have a chance to play in the European Championship after the play-offs.

In the qualifying rounds for the European Championship, Poles played eight matches, of which they won only three. The remaining matches were two draws and three losses. The total number of goals was 10 goals scored and the same number conceded. This is not the result that the fans expected, so now it is not surprising that there is a lot of criticism towards the team members. Zbigniew Boniek also added his two cents regarding the situation.

Zbigniew Boniek did not mince words after the Poles failed to advance

The last qualifying match for the European Championships did not go as we expected. The Poles were leading 1-0 until the first half after a goal by Jakub Piotrowski, but at the beginning of the second half the Czechs responded quickly thanks to Tomas Soucek. The coach of the Polish national team made several changes, including the so-called “fishing rod” to Patryk Peda, which was a pure tactical move. Unfortunately, it did not bring any results, and the facts are that the White and Reds must be happy that they did not lose this match, because the guests did not take advantage of several advantageous situations.

Robert Lewandowski claims that he is satisfied with the course of the match, and Michał Probierz said the same. In turn, Adam Buksa is convinced that they will manage to advance to Euro 2024 in the play-offs. Zbigniew Boniek claims that now the Poles can only pray for a favorable course of one of the matches, so that they can think about the positive course of the last qualifying phase for them.

“It was enough to win twice at the PGE Narodowy against average teams. Unfortunately, we only managed to draw. There are play-offs left. We have to pray for a draw/victory for Italy against Ukraine to still have a real chance for Euro 2024. Otherwise, it will be very difficult…” wrote the UEFA vice-president on social media.

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